i love you spills out like vomit from your lips

Dec 30, 2004 01:57

today i had some good qaulity moments with friends, first moment i was hanging out with my best friend mike and his family at his house, no one else will prolly think this is funny, but there was a car wreck and i had afull on dane cook moment but no one there would know so idindt say nything about just laughed in my head ithink kelsey and rocky ( Read more... )

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_kanada December 30 2004, 21:31:53 UTC
great story. im coming over soon.
either for new years or soon after.


xfetusinblackx December 30 2004, 21:33:09 UTC
rad your wellcomed anytime.


_kanada December 30 2004, 21:36:16 UTC
woooo hoooo!
i say we have a food/music/videogames/movie night soon.


xfetusinblackx December 30 2004, 21:47:29 UTC
yeah defently dude.hey im thinking about trying to get a job at a pizza place so i can make pizz how awesome would that be.


_kanada December 30 2004, 21:50:03 UTC
dude thats a genious idea.
i just hope it doesnt make you sick of pizza.


xfetusinblackx December 30 2004, 21:53:16 UTC
yeah that would be stupid if that happend, i would be upset.


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