thanks so much lorcas_novena

Jul 26, 2013 22:41

for the contact help! hope i wrote the user name right haha.

anyway sent this email to a mental health support site

'been suffering really bad depression over the recent few months brought on by binge eating followed by anorexic tendencies, laxative abuse and self hatred. i feel like im losing my mind but have phone anxiety and cant get in touch with the drs. i dont want my mom to find out anything so cant ask her to do it.
also suffering from cutting myself and wish everything would just stop. cant even get out of bed for hours some mornings. help =[  '

and this to a rape support email

'is this where i come for help with rape support?
basically i never even thought i was raped until a few days ago when i keep having flashbacks of my uncle raping me on two separate occasions. i have no idea if they are even real memories or not? please help. im 19 years old from the midlands area of england.. '

hope this works and i get a reply :S
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