Had a kick-ass weekend up in H-Town with my boys, and Wife. Friday went to San Marcos to see Indisgust, Will to Live, Flawless Victory and chill.. Met up with the SA crew, Roofie and more. Fucked my hand up real bad and spent from 1am to 5am in the ER in BAMC in SA. All good thou, not broken and just slept all morning till it was time to hit the road. Mai's and some chillen Saturday up in H-Town, those spring rolls w/peanut sauce are the shit. Sunday was MADBALL,TERROR, Will to Live and Your Mistake. Good times, met some GAMC boys from all over the South, people flew in and drove like 14 hours to come chill. The show was hard and a real good time. 4 Broken Noses, and one dude got his two front teeth knocked in and couldn't close his mouth. I knocked some kid out and did the normal Chris Drew Asshole damage. Unfortunetly my carnal (best/blood brother in spanish) Chris San Antonio got his nose broken.. hes got the craziest raccoon eyes today..
Chris' Profile with a Nice Pic, however it looks alot worse than that picture. Awesome weekend and had an awesome day after I got out of work today hanging with ChrisSA, Josh Justice and the Wife.. she got some new badass New Balances from me cause I love her so much and some new flipflops cause Windy's cute pom ate hers in H-Town. Much love to my FAMILY !! Down By Law is still my favorite MADBALL Song, and they rocked it hard last night.
Why Talk When Your Words Are As Empty As Your Heart !!