The Zen Garden

Nov 29, 2013 01:25

There are many questions asked by many when it comes to the zen garden and it's meaning, how it could work, who would be in control and what kind of rules we would have.

First, you must know that my intentions on wanting this and attempting to reach this is for the good of all mankind, not any selfish reasoning behind it whatsoever.  Except maybe me being selfish for others which isn't selfish, it's selfless and I guess that it what you would call it.  I do not do it just for me, or just for us.  The true reason I seek to make the zen garden a reality is for the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  For his love, his sacrifice and most of all for completing his mission so that the world can finally come to an end and he can return for his people.  And yes, the zen garden is for his people and that includes every single sinner on this earth.  However, it is not a home for negativity, demonic beings or the devil, himself.

In fact the first two rules are simple, they are the greatest commandments of the Holy Bible, which Christ tells us in the New Testament. These rules are simple but must be thought and sought out, daily.

1)  Love thy Lord God more than all else; if we do this then we will follow all of his commands and walk in the path of the Christ (the living word) and find our way in everlasting life filled with serenity and freedom.

2)  Love thy neighbor as yourself; do to others as you'd have them done unto you, and if we followed this rule then we would live in an environment full of positive energy (forgiveness, grace, mercy, love, generosity, kindness, gentleness, understanding, accepting and full of patience.)

These rules are greatly important for us to keep the zen garden peaceful and safe from the evils that surround us in this world.  And if we want to help suffering people (addicts of any hurt, habit or hang-up that destroys their personal relationship with our creator, our Lord thy God) from letting the evils consume them.  We need to keep the zen garden alive and running to bring real peace in this world, a little slice of heaven.

They are not the only rules, however they are the most important, others are as follows:

3)  The Ten Commandments of the Holy Bible: which you can find in Exodus through the tale of Moses, a very good read

4) The seven things detested by our Father in heaven, and these seven are found in Proverbs, which I believe was Solomon but do not keep me to it, I do not have scripture memorized like many but I do get it, and the importance of it all; I also know that following in the footsteps of Christ is the only way to solve any problem that exists on this entire earth (and beyond)

5) These nineteen commandments will be etched in stone and put on our government official type building which will include (mail service, the police/body guards, the courthouse (only God is the judge), firefighters/EMT and all medical staff (ONLY homeopathic doctors available with natural cures), and the bank (where everyone keeps their safe) and this place will be in the center of our community right next to the convention center (where we throw celebration and where our underground bunker is placed); our intentions are to live until the Lord returns even if that means putting 100% faith in the Lord and doing even the miracles that Christ and his disciples performed and remove demons, heal the sick and suffering, and save thousands upon thousands of lives.

6) The old testament laws will be printed and placed in every single home along with the serenity prayer taught by the program Celebrate Recovery which we will have on the opposite side of the creek, southern area where our rental cabins will be placed; these will also be followed but they are not forced, they are mere suggestions to better every single aspect of your life because the old testament is the healing that God brings, you just have to find the commands (health, medicating, understanding and accepting in order to find real serenity and freedom from the heart, mind and soul) and take one step at a time (one task at a time) and one moment at a time, and turn from your old sinful life, to live a life without-to live a life that is eternal.

Those are the only rules we need because our ruler, our leader is our creator and our Lord thy God.  We abide by his rules therefore our religion and our political views are all found in his written word and the physical word that is the Christ.  We pay property taxes to the United States of America and we abide by their rules, as long as they do not take from God's commandments.  We do not support the nation when it sins and we do our best to help change the negativity in our land because we have separated ourselves from them.  We do not claim to be a part of America but because we live on their soil then we follow the rules but ask that the government leave us alone.  It is against our religion and beliefs to do anything that goes against the Lord.

And because of this, this is what our land and our daily routines will look like:

a) I must first let you know that myself and other permanent occupants of the zen garden live in the northern plot with a circle(s) of log cabins with two buildings in the center and just right above the creek; the visitors (no matter one night or two years) will remain on the southern plot just below the creek and the only way they can live in the northern plot is if they believe in the Father and that Christ sacrificed himself for us, so that we could repent and be born again.  Unless this is not the case then you can not permanently live in the northern plot because only believers live there to keep the peace and work together as one, in the body of Christ to save those willing to hear and willing to see.

b) In the northern plot there will be: housing, community center/underground bunker, government official building (stated above), crop fields, orchard, pastures with stables, man-made fish ponds, playground area next to the activity center (sports, film festivals, and any form of technology), kennel/wildlife rescue center, and a car barn (at the east entrance)  There will also be a church/CR, a school (made up of housewives and home-schoolers) and a library.  All the log cabins will be created to personally fit your family and will be chosen the day that you become a resident on the property.  We will share in the property taxes so that we can please the government in hopes that they will let us live peacefully.  We will equally share our yearly profit from the rental cabins and when there is not an equal share, the remainder goes into a safe and every five years it is removed and equally divided.  Our money is not of importance and should remain in your safe (at the bank which is part of the government building) and only removed when you need to leave the zen garden to (go buy something we do not grow, have yet to save, or need to keep us thriving; go on mission trips or vacation; to visit family that does not also live in the community) do whatever it is your family needs to do.

We live off the land as naturally as we possibly can, doing as God called so that we can do all things right.  From what we eat to what we do with our "free time".  Constantly spreading the good news of what Jesus Christ did for us and spreading love all across the nations, all across the lands.  Instead of wasting our time on money, instead we all grow every kind of crop, fruit, vegetable that God created (as well as herbs and spices for healing and flavor!)  We also do farmer's markets every friday through out the entire day and we make trades and never turn down another in need of food even if you feel their trade does not equal yours, I am say right here and right now, ALL trades are made equally.

Our work week is Sunday through Friday and our Sabbath is saturday and on this day we rest (sleep in late) then the rest of the day we spend together talking about God, or going on a mission (to the other plot of land, outside of the community or out of the country) and spreading the good news.  We will praise the Lord for the good he has done and ask to continue to bring his will upon this earth and use us to bring goodness, nothing less than his perfect will.

Our education that teaches us about reading, writing and arithmetic (and whatever science and social studies they need, and in the long run want to learn) will be taught by mothers, together with helping one another raise the children to be godly examples and lead the world to a better place, not a more corrupt and damaging society.  The school days (hours between 8 am til noon, then it's time for lunch and home-life) will only sunday through wednesday, while thursday will be for chores at home while the mother and father (and eldest child once a preteen) will go to the farmer's market to make trades and get the weekly needs for the household.  Friday is the day where you spend together as an immediate family (or when you throw a community celebration) and saturday is the Sabbath as stated before and there will be no work other than praising the Lord and spreading the gospel, not physical labor should be done.

We do not celebrate pagan holidays, we create our own celebrations that Christ would approve of!  We would celebrate the holidays that Christ celebrated and in the way that he celebrate, along with those that we will celebrate, such as: Christ's actual birthday which is roughly September 29th (and yes, we will treat this celebration like Christmas but it will be centered around the Lord, not St. Nick); Easter, only we would probably call it the resurrection and we will celebrate life on this day and be thankful, as we are during Thanksgiving which I would no longer celebrate.  We will celebrate holidays that were a part of the life of Christ or holidays we create that are centered around Christ, otherwise they are useless to our lives.  But yes, we will celebrate individual birthdays as well but the party should always be as that person wants it, since it is after all their special day (and yes, shared birthdays will sometimes need compromises.)

c) In the southern plot we will have the exact same things as the permanent one and while you rent (which is based off how much money you have or make and yes, plenty of people can live there free but they must work and help the community running, and not be a lazy, moocher.

We keep ourselves separated for our spiritual differences but we only keep a creek apart so that we can easily be apart of each others lives and help one another continue to grow in their relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. be continued.

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