NoT gEtTinG aNyWhErE..

Apr 28, 2005 20:03

well, today probally couild not have been any worse.. spanish we took an open book/close 1 min test ((stupid)) then took another test in geo. and watched a boring movie in 3rd it started to get good when the bell rang.. well going into 4th, duane like kicked my foot to trip me like they always do and this time it actually hurt, then walking to 5th it started to REALLY hurt so i went to the nurse and she didnt know what was wrong with it so she just gave me ice.. back in ships room we had pizza and i had my leg up with ice until maggie took it becuase it was leaking.. then gave it back again.. then i watched adam play poker with jordan quint zeaky and jarren again.. we stayed there for lunch then went to 6th pd and took the test where only 4 ppl passed and Ali, and I were one of the four! good job to lyn and emily too.. then my ice leaked on my desk.. not good so i threw it out ((after the side of my leg got wet)) then walked to 7th with ali and wrote part of a note to chelsey while i waited for brittany then we went to the office to get something copied which took 10 mins.. yeahh so then i came home talked to a few ppl then my mom called and told me to read a letter that wayne sent to her and i read it and found out that he is coming here the 13th of next month(and i dont like him, long story ask me if you want to know), so i told kylee (because she knows about him and the story) and she had some good ideas haha then chelsey got on and i told her after i told her the story again.. yeahh and now i am here updating.. so yeahh it was a pretty bad day..
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