Jan 27, 2009 21:58
I finished reading Love is a Mixtape and it was AMAZING. seriously. awesome. I'm currently still fighting my way through the Karen Chance and Laurell K Hamilton books. I got all into the Karen Chance book and then left it at Drew's. I want to start reading Brideshead Revisited so that I can get the movie on netflix. I tried to get The Boy in Striped Pajamas the day I bought Bridehead Revisted, but they didn't have it. I really want to read that one before the movie too. I let one of my mom's borrow Inkheart and she saw the movie and said it's nothing like the book. I can't wait to get Inkheart back off of her so I can read it. I'm still waiting for the new Eragon book to come out in paperback. I was just checking amazon and the new Anita Blake book (#17!!!) comes out June 2nd. I'm excited.