Fly Lucius Fly...

Jul 29, 2006 22:45

Soooooo, I watched the new eps :)

I loved both of them! They were really hilarious lol! I was skeptical about the SG-1/SGA crossover, but I found The Pegasus Project a great ep!

The first scene, showing Daniel's excitement at finally being able to see Atlantis and vala and Cam teasing him was nice and the briefing scene was downright hilarious and it was nice to see the two teams mixing together and Vala saying in front of everyone that Sam said they needed McKay, LOL!

The interaction between Sam and McKay was brilliant, I love their arguments and I can't believe he told her what happened during Grace under pressure lol!

The whole threatening McKay with a lemon thing was funny too, there were a lot of funny jokes during the whole ep!

I also liked all the Daniel/Vala scenes with Daniel trying to make her behave and she trying to comfort him in the end, I'm starting to like Vala more and more :)

I was truly surprised by the whole "hey look our hologram is not an hologram, but a rebellious ascended ancient" thing, I didn't see it coming o_O And the ancients still don't want to help them, bah!

I'm a bit confused by the general plot, where did they get the gate they launched near the black hole? NB: loved the black hole continuity from A matter of time :D

Wish there could be more crossovers like that, I really loved the teams melding together :D

Something I have to think about is that I didn't even notice Teyla's absence till I saw her on SGA ep um...

And I loved Irresistible too! Another funny, light ep eheh! It was funny to see everyone go a bit wild for a while, especially Liz, who always tries to be sooooo controlled and in charge of everything.

I hope they learned not to leave Carson alone offworld ah!

A lot of funny lines in this ep too... in the end when they all ran outside to watch Lucius fly the jumper and Rodney said fly Lucius fly , I was torn between laughing hysterically and repeatedly thumping my head on my desk :P

And I loved John teasing them all in the end hihih :P

sg1, sga

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