world championship rant...

Sep 25, 2005 16:45

We lost AGAIN, let's see why...

1) Petacchi is an idiot
2) Petacchi is an idiot
3) Mmm... Petacchi is an i d i o t


I'm sorry for Bettini, he tried till the last 300 meters, everyone believed in him, we really thought he was going to win, but a very smart ITALIAN guy helped Boonen get back ahead and he's way faster than Bettini so... (note to self: kill Trenti @_@).

Petacchi... dear Petacchi... @_____________@ He's not even able to stay with the rest of the group when there's a SHORT ascent, but he's the best sprinter in the world... yeah sure... but you've to get him to the finish line first... and that's why I never liked him @_@

Anyway, even if I'm REALLY annoyed with a certain idiot *coughs*, I'm very happy that Boonen won, he's one of my fav cyclists and he's Belgian, from a small town near Antwerpen!!! :)

I loved the whole race, even if we lost, a race is what I needed to cheer me up, 7 hours of cyclists :D Now the whole team is sad, I feel sorry for them, because SOME of them (8 out of 9)did really their best and they deserved to win! And I absolutely loved Alessandra's interview to Boonen, she is the best!!! :D Even if Tom's french accent sounds weird o_O

I just hope I didn't speak too much about cycling races, I'm always scared to bore or annoy everyone, because I'm so excited that I go on talking about it :'(

cycling races

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