new formatting, because i need to remember my css once in a while and i hated having to move my eyes all the way across the screen /lazy
just enough / jongkey / pg-13
“I love you,” he says, but not in the way you want him to mean.
“I love you,” he says, but not in the way you want him to mean.
You smile and hug him anyway, because you love him in that way. The hug is warm and familiar, and you find yourself taking a breath of his scent before you can help it, but come on, this is the scent that you can never get tired of.
“I know,” you say.
“I love you too,” you say as well, hoping he sees that you love love him. But he doesn’t, so you fake a smile. Maybe one day he’ll open his eyes and see, but that day’s not today.
Surprisingly, it’s Minho-not Jinki-that picks it up first. Then again, you suppose it’s not that surprising; ever since the incident, Kibum makes sure not to do anything in front of your leader that could be taken the wrong way. The last thing any of you need is your not-relationship broadcasted over the radio.
Minho sits down at the table one day when you don’t have a schedule and gives you the look, the one that says I know everything. He just sits there, though, while you poke at your food and waits for something. He’s waiting for something and you’re not sure what it is, so you keep glancing up while stirring your soup and hoping the awkward moment will pass.
He must’ve read your mind because he shifts in his seat a bit and looks at you with a gaze you just can’t drop.
“He probably does love you, in that way, hyung. He just doesn’t know it.”
You offer a sad smile in return and chuckle a little bit. “In my dreams, right?”
Minho laughs a little bit too, and it’s sort of beautiful, now that you think about it. But then the moment’s gone and you’re back to being two friends. Key walks in the next moment and immediately takes away your bowl of soup-you’d protest but it wasn’t like you were actually eating it anymore-and you sort of wonder if Minho really is psychic, because that must have been planned.
Minho rolls his eyes when you bring it up later and you suddenly realize how stupid you must seem for asking.
“I love you,” you tell him and he smiles a bit but doesn’t reply.
You kiss him and he playfully pushes you away, and then makes a face and tells you that your breath smells. His hand lingers on the spot you kissed, so you still consider it a victory. Sort of.
There’s a meteor shower tonight, you know because Donghae-hyung called ten minutes ago ranting about aliens. Jinki picked it up only because he was closest, but handed the phone to Minho without even putting it up to his ear to see who it was. There are some good things that come out of Minho’s friendly relationships with all the sunbaes, you think. You’re not really sure why he called, though; the city’s too bright to see any stars in the sky.
Fifteen minutes before the shower, you have idea and grab Key’s hand-it’s not like he was doing anything important-and drag him out the door. He only yells a little in protest before giving up and grabbing his jacket on the way out. You two are running for a while until you’re both out of breath and the bright lights are farther away than before. It’s not perfect-it’s a little too cold and the stars are more like tiny dots of dim light that you can barely make out-but Key is still looking up at awe. The moment’s perfect and you bring your bodies a little closer. You shiver a little bit, and Key rolls his eyes before offering you some of the jacket.
“I love you,” you say hopefully. Key smiles and rests his head on your shoulder.
“Me too, Jjong, me too,” he says, and you feel like he means it a little more like the way you want him to.
And that's just enough for you.