Oct 29, 2006 15:05
Their has been a groundhog tearing up the marching band field.
I have seen it a few times but never was able to get at it.
So monday night we see it along the fence. I run up to him, he is just poking his head under the fence. I talk to him for a while and he runs out. I chase him around telling him to "get off my field". He slams into our gigantic blue storage container and then run in-between two beams.
After about 20 mins of him hissing at people, upperclassmen trying to get underclassmen to pick him up, people yelling and other people trying to get people to feel sorry for him the groundhog runs out. He is chased by half the band until he gets under our blue container, where he apparently lives.
So to avoid the bad weather this weekend USSBA moved state champs to sunday.
We couldn't do that so we hoped on a show 2 hours away today.
About a half hour before we go on their are problems with the lights on the field.
Their was a brown out and electrical fires around town.
We waited around in 40 degree weather with lots of wind for a while.
The show was called around 730. (show was suppose to start at 530)
We basically drove 2 hours to Maryland to practice and eat at a burger king.
This has been the most bizarre marching band season I have ever been involved with.