Feb 27, 2005 23:51
Alright so i finally got this up and running. Yay. Today I thoroughly cleaned my house. Weird. Found out my mom has cancer. Hmmm. Well found out if you leave any type of dairy products sitting out in your room for much longer than three days the end result isn't too preeety. Haha. Realized I hate when people type in the style of "LYK OMG GURL LYK NO WAY. LOLOLOLOLOL OMG HEHEHE!!!11 HOW KEWL LOLOLOL!!!!111oneone" . With a passion. Oh well. If that's how they wish to type, I can deal with it :D . Well, just thought I'd type something just to make sure this would work. I'm off to distribute my illegally downloaded-and-burned CD's to my friends. Later friend. <3