Stolen from jessi who stole it from someone. I felt like thieving

Feb 10, 2005 15:31

Ever Been Called...

Dumb?: Yes
Retarded?: Everyday of my life.
Ugly?: Yes
Hot?: Noooope.
Fat?: Yahhh
Anorexic?: No
A waste of space?: Yes
Useless?: Yes
Smelly?: Yes, because Joe is a third grader and intead of calling me a bitch, I get called smelly.
A Slut?: Nah i dont think so.
Beautiful?: Nope.
Smart?: In a sarcastic way.
Quiet?: Yeah, only when people first meet me.
Boring?: Probably.
A Bitch?: Yep
Rebel?: I dont think so
Conceited?: naw.


What are you wearing?: plaid pajama pants, and my something corporate t-shirt.
Who are you talking to?: Rosa and Ashley.
How is the weather?: raining and gross.
What are you listening to?: Eyesore - New Found Glory
What/Who are you thinking about?: Not gonna say.
What are you looking forward to?: Summer, so bad.
What are you dreading?: Conversation with my parents.
How are you feeling?: Okay.
How is your hair?: Clean, I just showered.
What are you annoyed by?: My whole fucking family.


What emotion do you feel the most?: lonely.
What emotion is the best?: The emotion I get when I'm with my friends and hyper. I love it.
Worst?: depressed
What always cheers you up?: Mountain Dew, My Sunshine, and My friends.
What makes you madder than anything?: The usage of the word dyke.
What hurts you the most?: losing a friend.
Who makes you happy? Friends.
Depressed?: teachers (except mr clark) and my family.
Are you a really emotional person?: Yes.
What do you do when you're depressed?: I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling until I fall asleep or something makes me better.
What song do you think was written about your life?: "This place is a prison" by The Postal Service.

Who was the last person you...

Talked to?: Joe
Yelled at?: daddy.
Kissed: no.
Hugged?: Kaila, I think.
went out to eat with?: I dont know?
Flirted with?: I don't flirt.
Talked to on the phone?: Joe.
IMed?: Ashley
E-Mail?: I haven't e-mailed anyone in like 6 years.
Got flowers from?: I've never gotten real flowers. But I got a duct tape rose from Alison once that I still have.
Danced with?: I dont dance.
Fought with?: Mumsie and Daddy.
Worried about?: Kat
Cried over?: Well last night it was a mix of Alison, Janelle, and helena. Fun shit.
Thought about?: shut up.

Are you...

Understanding?: usually.
Pretty?: nope
Nice?: usually.
A bitch?: only if someone bitches first.
Hard to get?: Usually.
Confident?: never.
Depressed?: Only when no one is looking o.O
Hyper?: Yes.
Friendly?: Only if someone makes an effort to be friendly to me first.
Hungry?: Nope.
Original?: sometimes.
Shy?: at first.
Messy?: Once in a while, but I like to keep things neat.
Immature?: yes sometimes.
Sad?: again, sometimes.
Trusting?: Yes, and usually to much.
Healthy?: nope.
Sleepy?: Not exactly.
Lonely?: ...yes.
Independent?: depends.
Romantic?: I can be if I want to be.


What are some of your pet peeves: bitches.
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: Always do.
Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: nah
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: sometimes.
Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): Yeah :/
Want someone you don't have right now: Don't, can't, and never will. Yes.
Ever liked your friend: Yep
Do you want to get married: Yeah. And then I wanna live in a house in a warm (not HOT) place with a white pickett fence and two kids.
Do you want kids: 2
Are you happy with you: not at all.
Are you happy with your life: Yeah I guess, its better than alot of other peoples.
If you could change something in your life right now, what would you change? Well I don't want to feel so alone anymore.
Do you have a crush? Yeah, i do.
Who is it? Go to hell.
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