survey! =oD

May 25, 2004 15:21

dear friends - -

it's survey time. i had part of this in my away last night, but i don't think anyone really saw it and if you did, i changed it. i took this from my new friend turdal. fell free to use it too.

// name: sarah amanda vanderburgh.
\\ 1 minute ago: i sneezed ; eww.
// 1 day ago: was monday, and i hate mondays.
\\ 1 week ago: i loved him just as much as i do now.
// 1 year ago: was the best year of my life.
\\ i love: feeling loved & my friends.
// i hate: being bored.
\\ i fear: rejection & backstabbers.
// i hope: he loves me.
\\ i feel: sick, fat, & un-loved.
// i listen: very well - - if i care about you.
\\ i drive: never. no permit + no practice.
// i play: a sport. and that sport is cheerleading baby.
\\ i miss: my extreme levels of happiness.
// i learned: people change.
\\ i know: things happen for a reason.
// i need: to feel loved.
\\ i think: way too much.
// i deserve: 1,000,000,000billion dollars.
\\ i try: to make everyone happy.
// i envy: those in love.
\\ i'm not: as quiet as i seem.
// i will: wait for you ♥.
\\ i won't: forget our memeories.
// i work: no where yet . . . YET!
\\ i view: things so differently than most people.
// i act: older than i am, sometimes.
\\ i believe: if there is a god, then he hates me.
// i doubt: i'll meet anyone better.
\\ i wonder: what life would be like if i was rich.
// i talk: horribly. ask karen. haha
\\ i cook: almost every freaking night.
// i take: a lot of things for granted.
\\ i want: to be happy.
// i dream: good dreams.
\\ i make: myself sound dumb too often.
// i don't: want to cry over you anymore.
\\ i can't: handle being lonely.
// i can: be happy with or without him.
\\ i am: so done with this survey.

i'll update more later this week. but until then, comment away! please, haha. if anyone wants a background or an icon - - let me know because i need something to doo with my days.

love always, * sarah amanda.
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