(no subject)

Apr 19, 2005 18:56

• × • C U R R E N T • × •
Clothes: long shirt, New Found Glory shirt, red TRIPP pants, and to complete the outfit...blue flame converse...
Hair: long and brown
Music: I - Meshuggah (21 minutes of pure fucking genius!)
Make-up: none
Annoyance: my computer won't play sound...so I have to use my mom's really loud...
Crush: Well...I'm dating Courtney...so yeah...
Smell: nothing special...
Desktop picture: Dimmu Borgir
Book you're reading: Supposedly Brave New World
in CD player: Korn Greatest Hits
DVD in player: probably Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

• × • L A S T | P E R S O N • × •
You hugged: Courtney
You IMed: probably John
You yelled at: my little fucking cunt brother
You kissed: Courtney

• × • A R E | Y O U • × •
Understanding: sure
Open-minded: yes, definitely
Arrogant: at times...
Insecure: at times...
Random: at times...
Hungry: not right now...
Moody: nah
Hard working: fuck that...
Organized: not at all
Shy: at times...
Difficult: I suppose a little...
Attractive: I hope...
Bored easily: fuck yeah...I'm thinking about not finishing this...
Obsessed: with Courtney
Angry: not right now...
Sad: not right now...
Happy: sure, why not?
Hyper: nah
Trusting: yes

• × • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • × •
Kill: a bunch of people...
Slap: I'll probably slap John next time I see him...just cuz...
Get drunk with: anyone and everyone!
Talk to offline: Courtney
Talk to online: I suppose anyone...

• × • R A N D O M • ×
In the morning I am: fucking tired as shit!
All you need is: money?
Love is: fun
I dream about: lately I've been dreaming about sex more than usual...
Sexual preference: Courtney

• × • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • × •
Coke or Pepsi: Well...I used to say Pepsi...but lately I've been liking Coke a lot more...so I don't know...I like Faygo cola the best though...
Flowers or candy: candy...at least that's useful...

• × • W H O • × •
Makes you laugh the most: Wes or Josh...but John when I see him...
Makes you smile: Courtney
Gives you a funny feeling when you talk to him/her: umm…SATAN!

• × • D O | Y O U | E V E R • × •
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: nope...if I really wanna talk to them I call them...
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Nah...I'm cool being a dude...
Wish you were younger: no...I wish I was older...

• × • N U M B E R • × •
Of times I have had my heart broken: idk if I'd say heart broken...but if we're talking about how I felt at the time...like...3...
Of hearts I have broken: I truly don’t know
Of CD's I own: too fucking many...
Of MP3s I have: nada...
Of scars on my body: waaaaay too many to count...
Of things that I regret: I guess a few...

• × • Y O U R | T H O U G H T S • × •
I know: myself
I want: freedom
I have: none
I wish: upon a star (awwww...)
I fear: spiders
I hear: Meshuggah
I search for: stuff
I wonder: stuff
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