
Apr 27, 2005 01:00

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

^^^^ All about the program I mention later... though I haven't read this thing yet.

Somehow I think this amendment was ignored by the entire Christian religion. I was watching a show today, which admittedly has a lot of bias in it. However, it is bias I mostly agree with so I will share anyway. They showed a clip from the Christian channel of Christian leaders giving speeches in a large church with over 6,000 audience members. One man in particular was preaching about tolerance of religion and how it is horrible that their religious beliefs are not being given the tolerance it deserves. He later goes on to say that the idea of supporting two members of the same sex being married belongs in an insane asylum. Apparently someone forgot to inform him that that statement would be considered intolerant. Yet, the entire audience cheered when he said it... so maybe I am confused?

The Christian religion has entirely too much power and from what I’ve seen their leaders are incredibly blind to and/or intentionally ignoring the injustices they create. Yes, the president and most of congress is Christian and yes Christians represent the majority of the united states. However, that doesn't change the constitution does it? Freedom to practice religion I guess only applies to Christians and a few other religions.

It seems that their primary argument is that allowing two people of the same sex to wed would in some way destroy the value of marriage. I guess they want to ignore the fact that Christianity is NOT the only religion that practices marriage. Marriage is a CULTURAL practice throughout the world. Tribes in Brazilian rainforests with little to no contact with western influence who have no word for or understanding of what Christianity is practice marriage. Sure it might be called something else but it's the same damn thing. They even have ceremonies for it... maybe not with the white dresses and all that but I don't think to many members of the homosexual community would fight for the right to wear white dresses and be married in a Christian church. It seems funny to me how Christians can spend all this time fighting against people being in love getting married, yet allow for factions such as the Ku Klux Klan to practice openly and freely.

With all the religions represented throughout the world there must be at least one that allows for same sex marriage. Should members of this religion seek to marry someone of the same sex there should be nothing that the president or any members of the Christian or any other religion should have to say about it. Personally I am agnostic and I will most likely eventually be married... no one will likely argue my right to be married since I plan on marrying a woman even though in no way is being married a part of my religion. As long as it doesn't say anywhere in previously established law that two people of the same sex are not allowed to be married it should not be forbidden. Marriage doesn't have to have any religious ties at all. In what way does it affect you if two people get married... you don't have to talk to these people or give them a pat on the back or change your life in anyway. NO ONE is making you do anything differently... just look the other way because it isn't any of your business.

I think it is sad that the reason the country is how it is today is because conservatives are in power. The only reason the conservatives are in power is because they don't preach non-violence. They have all the power now and they aren't going to give it up. They will resort to violence to keep it. Liberals on the other hand hold their little rallies and wave their signs or come up with other crafty ways to get their views out there. Staying with the non-violent approach. Unfortunately this just goes to prove that even in today’s "modern" world logic and reasoning loses to brute force. I'm not saying this should change since I myself am a pacifist its just too bad that the non-violence of the logical side loses out to the brute and ignorance of the majority. (and/or people in power)

Yes, I do realize that not all these views are supported by all Christians. However, it seems to be the majority. I'm not really sorry if this offends anyone because if you refer to the top of the page... kthx.
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