Season of Fandom!

Nov 26, 2008 09:01

E-mail address: ideaquestions aaaaaaaaaattttttttttt hhhhhoooootmaillllllllll dotttt commmm

Things I'd like: I would like a fic, MSR, at any point in the series, angst is good, though I don't want to drive myself off the nearest bridge at the end. Any rating, smut makes me happy. If possible I would like some icons as well. I keep meaning to make my own, and haven't had the time yet. For the icons MSR or just general show ones.

What I can do: I can write fic, any rating. I would prefer MSR, but any other pairing as long as neither Mulder or Scully in a shippy way.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: I don't have time to do a vid or the ability to do justice to icons. I've never done slash before and feel it'd be a bit of crap shoot if it'd turn out well for whomever my giftee would be.

2008 wishlist, 2008, * pukajen

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