Mod Post: Reminder

Jan 03, 2014 11:13

Your gifts are due by January 6.

If you have a Live Journal, and you have not already done so, you will need to join the community in order to post to it. All entries will go into the moderation queue. Once everyone's gift is posted, all of the entries will be released.

If you do not have a Live Journal, and do not wish to create one, contact the moderators via the address on the profile page. We will post the gift for you.

If you need a beta, I do have two spare betas-in-waiting, but time is getting short. Contact us as soon as possible for the beta's email address.


If you are posting a story, please use the following format:

Subject Line: Gift for: Your Recipient's Name

Title: An X-Files Story
Author: Your Name here
Rating: You know what to do.
Warnings: If applicable. Rape. Violence. The usual suspects.

Summary: Your summary.

Everything else, word count, spoilers, disclaimer, author's notes, is optional.


If you are posting a vid, please use the following format:

Subject Line: Gift for: Your Recipient's Name

Title: Cracked Vid of Total Crackness
Vidder: Crack Vidder
Musical Artist: Etc.

If anything else is needed, use your best judgment. You're the vidder, I just watch 'em.


If you are posting an art work, icons, and/or graphic:

Subject Line: Gift for: Your Recipient's Name

Title: Mulder Loves Scully. Or Five Icons and a Wedding. Mer-Mulder.
Artist: IloveDana2
Medium: if applicable.

Anything else you think belongs here.


If you already posted and you didn't use this format, don't worry. It's all good. You're done, you're in the queue and WE LOVE YOU. The rest of you lot, better get cracking. ♥

mod post

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