(no subject)

Nov 16, 2008 22:42

E-mail address: becca516[at]gmail[dot]com

Things I'd like: FIC FIC FIC! MSR (duh), and I've really been craving some good Scully!slash lately. Like really. Also, Scully!angst makes me cry (think "All Souls" and "Milagro" and "Never Again" here), but Mulder!angst makes me roll my eyes and sigh. Um, I kind of love porn A LOT, like beautiful consensual, loving, non-violent sex kind of porn. xf_pornbattle gave me a bit of love for DD/GA fic, even though I've ever been on for RP fic. I always thought it was creepy, but OMG there were some gorgeous DD/GA stories written over there! Crossovers are always fun--Firefly, Pushing Daisies, The Office, Californication, and The L Word (I'm working through S2 atm) are my main shows right now.

What I can do: FIC--Anything MSR really. Or Scully and characters from Firefly or Pushing Daisies. I'd love to try my hand at some Scully/Hank Moody! Most of my XF fic is porn, but I can write gen if it's more your thing. I also enjoy doing fanmixes occaisionally, if the fancy strikes me.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: FIC--Blow-jobs. And I haven't seen seasons 8 or 9 yet (they're on their way from Amazon, though!) BDSM isn't really my thing. Anything with Skinner or Krycek or the CSM or basically anyone who isn't Mulder or Scully. Um, I just switched from using Paint Shop Pro on a PC to using PhotoShop on a Mac, and haven't played around with it very much, so I'd rather not do anything graphic right now. And I can't do Fanvids.

2008 wishlist, * trolliepop, 2008

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