Name/LJ: Amal/
amalnahurriyeh E-mail address: the LJ name at gmail
Presents! : ...I like...things? Any medium is cool with me. Generally, I'm an MSR person, but gen about Mulder or Scully, or something about their friendship (esp. in early seasons) is very good, too. I like a sense of humor, not too much sappiness, and as much overintellectualism as possible from Our Heroes. My emotional sympathies lie more with Mulder, but in part because I'm as in love with Scully as he is. I also have a fanboy's love of aliens and colonization and big things that explode, and I like CSM quite a bit. I also have an ongoing universe I'm writing in, the Caseyverse, and I'd be excited to see what someone else would write (or vid!) set in it.
In terms of vids, I can imagine two possible routes. One, more serious. I'd love a shippy "oh no! they shut us down!" vid set to Hey Julie by Fountains of Wayne, or anything set to a song by Janelle Monae or R.E.M. Two, crack: I seriously would love to see a vid set to, say, Umbrella by Rihanna (c'mon, that shit storyboards itself), or anything by Lady Gaga (there is totally a vid waiting to be made in Monster, okay?), or something similarly inappropriate and awesome. (BEYONCE. I'm just saying.)
In terms of fic: I like snark, I like angst, I read a lot (a lot, a lot) of smut. I like happy-ish endings. Fic that works an absurd trope (AMTDI, high school reunion, undercover married, only one hotel room left, etc) but makes it believable is a secret pleasure of mine. I tend to believe there's not enough kinky smut written in this fandom, and that an absurd proportion of what is out there has Mulder topping, which I just don't get in the slightest, so kink with a dominant Scully would make me truly, truly joyous. I'm not a huge casefile person, but I'll gladly read yours. If you want to write holiday fic, I do fall in the Jewish-Mulder camp, and I would be happy to read something that touched on that.
I'd also be totally excited to get fanart--either an original piece, or an illustration of my fic would be awesomesauce.
Presents, The Truth: I will, for serious, take anything. Fic, vids, fan art, knitting, whatever. Cookies. Whatever.
I would rather get CSM’s cigarette butts: No major character death, esp. dead babies; I prefer my angst to be resolved in the end, or at least have a little light of hope; it's nearly impossible to pull off Mulder/other or Scully/other for me, so probably best not to try it.
Timeline: Whatever. I'm not picky.
What I can do: I can write: MSR, Mulder/Krycek, and gen, any rating; I have two modes, angst and crack, take your pick. I am willing to attempt to vid, since I have some free time, a nice copy of iMovie, and the full DVD set.
What I absolutely CAN'T do: I have no artistic skillz.
Are you able to be a back up? That's what I'm here for...