It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Nov 22, 2011 14:33

Name/LJ: Abby/a_is4Addiction

E-mail address:

Presents!: I prefer fanfic, please.

Presents, The Truth: I'm not picky. Any rating. MSR/MS-Friendship. Would love to see something angsty, but not in the relationship department. I love the cancer arc, post-colonization, and either Scully or Mulder-centric fics. Young Mulder and Samantha is also a plus, especially as part of a flashback.

I would rather get CSM’s cigarette butts: No historical AU, slash, M/O, S/O, DRR, DSR, pre-season 6 RST, marriage, breakup, pure fluff-smushiness. Also, please nothing holiday related (especially Xmas). Other than that, as long as the story is well-written, I'll be happy.

Timeline: Anything really, although generally I tend the be more interested in post or mid-series (seasons 4-5) fanfic.

What I can do: I can write! Some general notes on some things I love to write, to help make pairing easier: I love to write angst with a dash of hope. I can write happy, but I prefer to write about sadder things. I love Scully as a mother. I love the cancer arc. I love post-series, pre-IWTB. I love the bleak outlook for 2012. I love Pre-XF Mulder, Samantha, and the Mulder family dynamic. I love character insight. I love that Mulder and Scully speak so well without so many words. I love the William arc. I love Mulder-centric fic, but Scully is great too.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: Well, I can only write. No vids or graphics, or anything creative that doesn't involve Microsoft Word. I can write NC-17, but only as a minor part of the plot.

As for what I can't write- if I wouldn't read it, I wouldn't write it. See above.

I can make sheet music for piano from TXF soundtracks as well.

Are you able to be a back up? Probably not this year, but as it draws closer to Christmas that may change, so feel free to ask!

2011 wishlist, * a_is4addiction

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