teaser gift for pukajen!

Dec 08, 2009 20:25


Title: The Years Between
Author: Santa to be revealed
Pairing: Mulder/Scully
Rating: Everyone
Spoilers: Series & IWTB
Summary: Six 100-word drabbles telling the stories of Mulder and Scully's winter holidays between Season 9 and I Want To Believe
Word Count: 600
Disclaimer: Not mine, sadly.
Author's Note: An idea that came to me as I was brainstorming for your other gift!

I. 2002

Mulder let the door slam behind him as he stalked out of the hotel room, his hands shoved deep in his pockets. Putting his head down into the chilling wind he set off without a destination. He was a block away when he realized their argument was stupid and only two away when he remembered why he'd never leave her despite angry words. Looking up he saw gaily-dressed windows and streets empty of people home with their families. Feeling like an ass for picking a fight on the day she was missing her family most, he headed back to her.

II. 2003

Although money was as short as ever, she wanted to do something special for him this Hanukkah. She had been scanning the shelves of the thrift stores in all the towns they passed through for the last month, but nothing stood out to her. Then, she spotted it through the window of a pawnshop as she used the pay phone next door. It was a small, unadorned, simple yet beautiful menorah. Using the last of her cash for the week she bought it and 8 candles at the dollar store next door. Holding it close she headed back to him.

III. 2004

This year they had finally felt safe enough to stay in one place long enough to rent an actual apartment. Using false names they had acquired a post office box and gotten a message to her mother letting her know where they were. It had only been a week since they had last checked the box, but they were in the area and stopped in any way. In it was a letter and two small parcels addressed to their assumed names in her mother's handwriting. They hurried back home and sat on their threadbare couch to open the gifts together.

IV. 2005

Mulder had received word that the Bureau would leave them be as long as they lead quiet lives. Skinner had gone one step further and had given them both false educational and professional histories matched to their names to help them get jobs. Mulder hadn't told her yet, deciding to wait to tell her for Christmas. Money was still tight and the only present he had to give her was the news and papers. Perhaps next year he'd be able to give her more. He hurried back to their apartment and to where he knew she'd be waiting for him.

V. 2006

Scully checked her bag one last time and double-checked Mulder's to ensure he had remembered everything. They had planned a Christmas trip to D.C. to celebrate with her family and were leaving first thing in the morning. She had quietly arranged to purchase their rented house and the papers were waiting for their signatures under her mother's tree in an envelope with his name on it. Tonight though, they would exchange small gifts with each other. She grabbed his from where she had hid it in her drawer and headed downstairs to where she knew he'd be waiting for her.

VI. 2007

This year they would celebrate the holidays with just one another in their new house. They had hosted Scully's family for Thanksgiving and were simply not up for the chaos of another large family gathering so soon. They had exchanged simple gifts for Hanukkah and tonight would be giving Christmas gifts to one another. Their holiday traditions, formed during their years on the road, brought comfort, peace, and joy. Mulder stoked a fire while Scully made spiced cider and they met in the middle, curled up under a blanket on a pile of pillows with their gifts for each other.

2009, ! teaser gifts, * pukajen

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