Nov 28, 2009 21:37
Name/LJ: Maidenjedi
E-mail address:
Presents: Fic, please! Or vid. I like angsty, character pieces, but I'll be happy with practically anything that isn't Mulder/Krycek.
Presents, the truth: Pre-series Mulder/Diana would be so great. As would post-abduction/pre-cancer Mulder/Scully. CSM! Hardly anyone writes CSM! If you could do Scully/Diana, you'd be my hero. Post-col is great. Lone Gunmen - how about Byers/Scully?! If movie fic is your thing, some backstory on minor characters would be fantastic.
I would rather get CSM’s cigarette butts: Mush. Happy family fic. Mulder/Krycek, Krycek/Skinner, or Mulder/Skinner.
Timeline: Pretty much anything, but pre-season four or pre-series would be awesome.
What I can do: Fic! Post-col, pre-series, post-series, pre/post-IWTB, AU, Mulder/Scully, Mulder/Other, Scully/Other, Other/Other, femslash, angst.
What I absolutely CAN’T do: Anything visual, like vids, icons, wallpaper, etc. I'm a wordy gal. No male slash, no PWP, no mush.
Are you able to be a backup? Not this year.
2009 wishlist,
* maidenjedi