(no subject)

Nov 28, 2009 08:48

Name/LJ: simplytoopretty

E-mail address: alyssafanfiction@hotmaail.com

Presents!: I'm fairly easy with stories. I like post-eps, cancer-arc stories, post-colonization stories (this would top my list), AUs (except pre-show AUs), casefiles, and so on. I love Mulder/Scully, both as a romance and as a friendship, so gen or het is fine with me. I also like Doggett/Reyes and Marita/Kryeck, so I'm not limited to just Mulder/Scully.

I like icons. I prefer simple, non-text ones, unless the text is either really funny or very appropriate to the icon. Since I don't use headers, I would prefer not to receive a layout header. I like gifs though.

Presents, The Truth: I don't mind vids, but they aren't my favourite gift to receive. But if you want to make me a vid, I like The Fray, Snow Patrol, and Death Cub for Cutie the most.

I would rather get CSM’s cigarette butts: While I like casefiles, I don't really like profiler!Mulder ones or anything that isn't really supernatural-driven. Not a huge fan of baby fics. Two things I hate: pure fluff (or anything really fluffy) and PWP. Oh, and things that are really OOC. I can take a little OOC, but not too much. I'm not into slash and I don't like Skinner/Scully (but a Skinner-centric piece would be okay).

Timeline: Except pre-XF, I'm good with all nine seasons and the films. I may not have always liked season 8 and 9, but a good writer can make all the difference.

What I can do: I write. That's about it.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: Vids and art.

Are you able to be a back up? Yeppers

2009, 2009 wishlist, * simplytoopretty

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