Nov 20, 2009 02:30

Firstly, a huge thank you to amalnahurriyeh for suggesting to me I should come and join in the fun over here. *waves* And onto the wishlistness!


Name/LJ: leyenn

E-mail address: leyenn at gmail dot com.

Presents!: I would love me some fic that I can hug and pet and call Squishy. ;D

Presents, The Truth: Okay, first things first, I am a die hard MSR fangirl. Nothing else does it for me in this fandom I'm afraid. Some of my favourite episodes are E.B.E, Irresistible, War Of The Coprophages, Synchrony, Detour, Triangle, Rain King, Tithonus, The Goldberg Variation and Theef. I tend to think they started a romance of some kind pretty much immediately post-cancer arc, though I'm more than happy with pre- or post- that, whatever. The partnership between Mulder and Scully is the number one thing for me. I love smut, especially stuff that's slightly kinky or where they're particularly talkative. Equally, I love plotty fic that just lets them naturally be a couple while still kicking ass with that 75% solve rate of theirs.

Some others things I have a (not-so) secret hankering for, in no especial order:

- Scully being awesome while Mulder does the proud partner thing. As a bonus, her giving the smackdown to chauvanistic attitudes in the line of work. (Think the detective in 2Shy.) Mulder would totally be turned on by that. ;)
- M&S being their spooky, snarky, intuitive selves around other people. (The ubiquitous teamwork seminar is always a good thing for this in my mind.) Some of my favourite POV characters are quite often people like Bill Scully, Tom Colton, you know, all the jerks. ;) I am a total voyeurism fangirl, whether that's full-on being watched in flagrante delicto, or just something as simple as someone else being spooked (hehe) by the way they act with each other. This works better in the later seasons, I think, but that's totally open to debate.
- Scully and her gun. Cleaning it, training with it, qualifying or re-qualifying with it, whatever. Scully + weapon = HAWT.
- I loves me some nice hurt/comfort. Post-episode convalescences are win, particularly with Mulder playing the sometime hapless doctor since Scully gets to do it so much of the time!
- Though I am a complete romance fan, platonic intimacy between Mulder and Scully also completely suckers me. I would love to see a fic exploring some physical intimacy between them without straying into romance, given how much time they spend in each other's space. Again, I tend to think this works better in earlier seasons, but again, open to being surprised.
- Scully!family!angst. Bash me some Bill. ;) Also I'd love to see Maggie Scully being somewhat ambivalent to Scully's relationship with Mulder, since I think there are definitely moments in canon where she isn't wholly on his side, rather than the blanket 'third son she never had' attitude I often see in fic.
- Mulder getting to keep his telepathy in some form that doesn't make him utterly insane. Even a hint of telepathic!Mulder/Scully smut would make me an OH SO HAPPY ME.

I would rather get CSM’s cigarette butts: I'm not a fan of long rambling first-person introspectives. I'm also not overly taken with IWTB, or Colonization fic. Other than that, pretty much what I wouldn't want to write, I wouldn't want to read. Character death, crackfic, noncon, or non-MSR. 'Fraid slash and femslash just don't float my boat in XF fandom.

Timeline: Seasons one through seven, absolutely no problem. Post-The Truth, no problem. The Mulderless episodes, not so much (for reading or writing).

What I can do: FIC! Pretty much anything MSR. I can write platonic intimacy/banter/snark/UST/first time/established relationship/fluff/fade to black/pwp/nc-17/hardcore kink... pretty much anything MSR, as I said. :) PWP or plot, either is good with me, though a full-on casefile epic is probably too much to commit to just purely in terms of time available. I also love being given an excuse to write AU, especially (though definitely not exclusively!) fusion or cliche fic. If you want mutants or wings or magic or daemons or something equally weird but taken seriously, I'm your gal!

I love to write nc-17, and I will totally write kink. Equally though, I'm happy to write sweet, happy sex, or even horrendously bad sex if that's what someone wants! Or no actual sex, you know, I'm not totally addicted. Honest.

I could probably also do graphics in the form of icons or wallpapers - though I am terribly out of practice, I do have the source material and software to hand.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: I can't vid - I have the dvds and software, but I've never got to it and don't want to promise something I can't deliver. I can't write character death, or (weirdly) outright silly-humor fic or crackfic - don't ask me why! I can't write noncon though I see that's not allowed anyway, so. Being honest, I don't think I can write anything that isn't MSR in at least some fashion, although I'm more than happy to write plotty fic in which the MSR is background or incidental.

Are you able to be a back up?: I don't think I can be a backup, sadly. I am also yuletiding this year so best not to over-sign-up! I might be able to do teaser gifts though, depending on what's needed and when. :)

* leyenn, 2009, 2009 wishlist

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