If I hear Silent Night one more time, I'm going to start taking hostages.

Nov 18, 2009 01:56

Name/LJ: Kenzie/forbiddenxspark

E-mail address: mfagans87@yahoo.com

Presents: I suppose asking for Fox Mulder isn't exactly logical, *sigh*. I'm not too picky, just receiving a gift is touching enough. In my experience, I've seen wish-lists full of fanfic. I would be okay with that, but it's not specifically my number one choice. If you know me, you know I am a faux video editor and love music videos. Yep, I'm a big fan but I would also love fanart, say for my layout and/or a banner for my profile or friends only sections. Icons, animations, wallpapers, fanmixes, picspams. Really, I'm not hard to impress.

Presents, The Truth: I am a huge, obnoxious Mulder/Scully shipper. So, anything Mulder and Scully will stick to my heart. Say, you gave me artwork with the desert scene and you would have a new lover. Clearly, anything MSR is perfect. But if it's not possible, go ahead and stick with Mulder, being my favorite character. And let's face it, I'm a sucker for the Duchov/Anderson duo. Keeping it in those circles will be A-OK.

On the forreals, I'm a lover of fanart. Any good fanart I can use. Also, fics of missing scenes that we all would love to see. Humorous one-shots don't seem to hurt either. For fanfics, just keep it XF-reality. Really, I'm just a fan of creativity.

I would rather get CSM's cigarette butts: Slash, out-of-character fics are a big no, no, no. It's just not my thing. I'll be the one to say it, keep away from Fowl-one unless it's Mulder admitting that Scully is his touchstone and only one that really was his confidante. Oh, did that happen? Good times.

Timeline: Like most as I like to think, my favorite seasons are 3-7. Particularly S4-5. The cancer arc is my favorite arc, as is the resolution to the Samantha-arc. (yep, I loved it. you didn't?) And guess what? I also adore S1!MS. They're just so innocent, and unharmed. It's almost cute. Not to mention my favorite movie ever... is Fight The Future. Those are my strengths, bb :)

What I can do: Videos. Hell, I might suck at them but I take pride at them. HERE. I also can do fanmixes, picspams, episode recaps, profile banners, and icons. I also can write fic's, if that's your pleasure. And well, surprise... I like to keep it MSR. Such a close-minded fangirl, tsk.. tsk.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: I don't do wallpapers or graphics. Come on, you don't want me doing them. It's not a pretty picture.

Are you able to be a back up? If you need it, sure.

2009, 2009 wishlist, * forbiddenxspark

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