Rejoice! Rejoice!

Nov 16, 2009 20:44

Name/LJ: bravenewcentury, though my fandom stuff is at penways

E-mail address: my LJ username @ gmx dot com

Presents! : I would really love some fic- my preference is for S7 or earlier, MSR or gen. I have a real soft spot for mundane situations- eating meals, driving, doing paperwork, etc- and really I'd rather UST than RST, though I have no major objections to the latter. I have nothing against fic of any rating, but again I'm more interested in characterisation than just sex. Angst is by no measure a bad thing, but I like it best with a side order of dark humour. Humour in general is good. I am mainly interested in Mulder and Scully but I have a huge soft spot for the Lone Gunmen so something featuring them would be wonderful too. I am generally more a fan of snark and loquacity than romantic mushiness.

Apart from fic, the other (highly egotistical) thing I would love to receive would be an illustration for one of my own stories (tagged here). If that wasn't possible then art in general would be wonderful.

Presents, The Truth : I just want Mulder and Scully saying clever things to one another and being awesome. But pretty pictures of Mulder and Scully in which I can imagine they are saying clever things to one another would also be great.

I would rather get CSM’s cigarette butts: Absolutely no non-con, thanks, or death of either Mulder or Scully. If you're not going to research it properly please just don't mention Oxford; that is one of my major fannish annoyances. Slash in principle is good, but neither Mulder/Krycek nor Mulder/Skinner make any earthly sense to me, so please not even hints of those. For that matter no Scully/Skinner either, please.

I'm not really interested in icons or layouts or that sort of thing, nor vids.

Timeline: Anything before Mulder goes is fine, really, though I do especially love the cancerarc.

What I can do: I can write! Season 7 or before, I am happy to write most characters, though as far as pairings go Mulder/Scully is my limit, and I'd rather focus on one or both of them. I can do angst or humour or some delicious blend of the two. I tend more towards character-observation pieces than plot, but plot is not an impossibility.

I could at a pinch do a single-episode vid, though my music taste and the music taste of the vast majority of XF fandom do not seem to be in particularly great alignment (ie. I am likely to inflict weird post-rock on an unwilling recipient).

What I absolutely CAN'T do: I can't write NC-17, alas. I am not really into writing anything from Season 8 on, especially not if it involves IWTB. I can't write Doggett, Reyes or Krycek to save my life. I can't do layouts, graphics, icons or any kind of art.

Are you able to be a back up? Probably not, sorry.

2009, * bravenewcentury, 2009 wishlist

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