Nov 16, 2009 14:20

Name/LJ: Amal Nahurriyeh, amalnahurriyeh

E-mail address: amalnahurriyeh[at]gmail[dot]com

Presents! : I'm primarily a fic person. I mostly read MSR and gen. I like a sense of humor, not too much sappiness, and as much overintellectualism as possible from Our Heroes. My emotional sympathies lie more with Mulder, but in part because I'm as in love with Scully as he is. If I'm being brutally honest, most of what I read on a daily basis is smut, but I don't require it. (I'm of the opinion there is insufficient kinky smut in existence, as well, so that would be, you know, just fine.) I also have a fanboy's love of aliens and colonization and big things that explode, and I like CSM quite a bit. You can check out what I've written at my fic tag to get a taste of what I do, which is pretty much what I like. I don't really do vids or graphics or anything like that, but I'm open to new experiences *g*.

Presents, The Truth : For fic, I'd love something smutty, kinky (Scully topping, plz), and with a heart, circa s5 or s6; or, if you want to try to convince me I'd like vids, I'd totally be down with, say, a shippy "the x-files have been shut down oh noes" s2/s6 vid, set to "Hey Julie by Fountains of Wayne, or something to anything by REM, that would be awesome.

I would rather get CSM’s cigarette butts: Not into graphics, other than icons.

Timeline: Oh, anywhere. Um, I don't like early-season smut; I prefer sexytiems to be cancerarc or later, but nothing's set in stone.

What I can do: Write all sorts of things. I primarily write MSR and the occasional Mulder/Krycek, along with gen, but can also write Scullyslash. I can do porn; I can do kink; I can do angst; I can do funny. (In fact, funny is my primary mode of operation.) I'm also happy to write in my Machines of Freedom universe if anyone wants it. I can also write made-to-order meta.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: Nothing graphic-y, apart from maybe making some icons of fail to go along with a story. I suppose I could try to learn how to vid, but no one wants that. I don't feel very confident to write much about Skinner or Doggett, and my Reyes is probably too far from canon for anyone who is really a Reyes fan.

Are you able to be a back up? Sure, I guess.

2009, 2009 wishlist, * amalnahurriyeh

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