XF_Santa 2009 FAQ

Nov 15, 2009 17:29

And we're off!

In just over twelve hours we're going to be throwing open the virtual doors on xf_santa 2009. To that end, here is the FAQ

Open: Monday Nov. 16, 2009
Close: Saturday Nov. 28, 2009, 11:59pm PDT

Assignments: Tuesday Dec. 1, 2009
Teaser Gifts (if any): Dec. 1, 2009 to Dec. 23, 2009
Actual Gifts: Thursday Dec.. 24, 2009 12:01am PDT to Thursday Jan. 8, 2010

Men in Black for delinquents: Friday Jan. 9, 2010


Is xf_santa really going to run in 2009?

Yes, there’s been a bit of a reorganization. Due to real life truemyth wasn’t able to run it this year. When I asked for help, three other wonderful people instantly stepped up to the plate to work with me.

Who exactly is in charge now?

pukajen, me, will be starting things off, getting everyone organized, matching up wish lists with gifters. I’ve been in and out of the X-Files fandom almost since the beginning, but this is the first time I’ve ever helped out in anything like this.

Amal (amalnahurriyeh) is a fic-writer and ranty dilettante; she'll be nagging you to get your gifts in on time, and making sure that no one ends up with nothing to be gleeful about just hours after being shot in a mutual hallucination.

I'm simplytoopretty, or Mel as I prefer. Mostly I read fic in the XF fandom and that's pretty much the extent of my participation. I still count the XF as my favourite show (I'm Canadian, btw, therefore I spell with u's and c's); I just mostly enjoy the fic. I'm looking forward to this year's XF Secret Santa; I participated last year and it was a lot of fun, so I'm hoping this year's will also be fun. And that's about it.

sugarpromises is Rens, a twenty-something year old Canadian who enjoys coffee, writing, and large doses of MSR fic. This is my first venture into the XF fandom in terms of interaction, so I apologize for my shyness in advance. Hope you all have fun!!

It’s a much shorter than normal sign-up!

Yup. Sorry about that, but, hey we’re running now! Sign up, tell your friends!

How does this thing work?

You sign up; other people sign up; we give each other PRESENTS!

Presents? What sort of presents happen around here?

Fic, vids, graphics, or any combination there of: we want all of your creative juices flowing. If you are going to combine, please stick to the spirit of the rules for each artistic vein.

Only original works please. I know your epic fic from the days of atxf was great, but doing a find/replace for Christmas instead of Ma Scully’s birthday is ‘Superstar of the Superbowl’ level gifting.

FIC: A haiku about Langley’s golden locks or a limerick how Mulder gazes at Scully doesn’t count. Fics need to be over 2,000 words. You can write a couple of short stories or it can just be one piece. Verbose? Make it as long as you want. That said, unless you’ve actually finished your fic and are only waiting on beta, please don’t post a WIP as your gift.

On the topic of betas, please use one. It just really takes something out of your gift if you have ‘seeping for the first time’ instead of ‘seeing for the first time’. We'll have a post where community members can volunteer as betas, or you can email the mods and we'll try to hook you up with someone.

GRAPHICS: Icons, wallpaper, lj layouts, new homepages. Five icons is a like giving the pizza guy a $0.02 tip. Icons should be chocolate sauce, something to make ice cream even tastier.

VIDS: Have a blast splicing and rearranging! Using only the first verse of ‘Silent Night’ makes Scully want to take hostages. Please make your vid more than two minutes long.

Can I make it NC-17?

Hells yes! But only if that’s what your giftee wants. If not, feel free to write it and post it in your lj. If you get inspired to do something for your giftee that doesn’t quite fit their request, make sure you have your giftee covered, then feel free to create what your muse is asking to you. It’d be great, after posting your assigned gift, if you let us know so we can pimp you out.

What is and isn’t allowed?

We’ve discussed it amongst ourselves, and pretty much the only rule that is non-negotiable is that all participants must be of legal lj age. That’s 16 folks, for anything R or higher. The rule applies for both participants and characters, absolutely no exceptions. If you're under 16, you can't ask for or create adult material. If you're under 16, you can't ask for or create adult material. Not saying that I didn’t come into the fandom under 16, but legally it’s gotta be ‘do as I say, not as I do’ sort of thing.

For anything sexually explicit make sure you label it, either when asking or giving. Also, no noncon (aka rape) as it’s not really in the spirit of the season. And, just to reiterate, no underage.

RPFs, feel free ask or offer, just keep the families out of it.

Apart from that, ask away. If we get a request that’s too out there, and we don’t think it’ll be fulfilled, we’ll let the person know that they might need to redefine their expectations of extreme possibilities. That said, we’ll try our best.

Please make sure you pay attention to what your giftee is asking for. As much as Spender and Flukeman might be your OTP, that’s probably not be what you’ve been requested to do.

Hells No!

Ooops, did we give you a Fowley/Skinner/Pendrell gender swap? Do you now need therapy? Sorry about that, have a virtual Xmas cookie. Email us at xfsanta@gmail.com, let’s see how we can swap something around.

Oh crap! I’ve only got a week left and an unexpected trip to Djibouti has come up.

Have a great time! Just let us know if you’re not going to be able to make good on your request. Or if your are an going to be really late. All you need to do is look at last year. I was the last one to post, but I did let the mod know.

If you almost done something, but are going to be late, we’ll let your giftee know and try to give them some teaser gifts.

Hey, I know you!

If you’re friends or related to someone participating and don’t want to end up with them as your giftee or gifter, please let us know. Either email or on your Wishlist.

But you didn’t answer *my* question!

Contact the mods at xfsanta AT gmail DOT com

! mod time, 2009 faq

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