eep, just in the nick of time!

Nov 30, 2008 21:40

E-mail address: moonliteontheave at yahoo dot com

Things I'd like: Fic, please! 150% MSR with a side of MSR. My favorite favorite favorite is in-character, not-too-schmoopy UST-y fluff pieces that take place at some point between seasons five and seven. I don't like gratuitous sex or smut, but rather prefer those stories where every single exchange or glance or gesture between Mulder and Scully makes you feel like your heart is going to explode. Stories where their chemistry is just crackling with electricity. That's not to say I don't like RST! I do, but just not as the centerpiece of the story, and not graphic/gratuitous. Angst is also good, but preferably not too dark and heavy. I also am a big fan of the cancer arc, so anything about these two crazy kids during that horrible time would be cherished. No casefiles or mytharciness or post-seven/post-series/IWTB fic though, please! I also enjoy most other things as well: icons, fanmixes, wallpaper. Particularly wallpaper. And when it comes to fanmixes, hopefully ones that coincide with my musical tastes, which tend to be pretty eclectic, but centered on the indie rock and singer/songwriter scene.

What I can do: Fanmixes! I also love to make icons, wallpapers, headers, etc. I write fic as well, not generally anything long or drawn out, but fluffish-type pieces starring our dynamic duo in Mulder's apartment being happy and UST-y and non-angsty and slightly domestic (in their own special way) and potentially making out? That's always fun. I don't write smut (sorry!) and when it comes to proper XF fic involving casefiles or mytharc etc, I'm generally not your person. Although I do make an exception to the rule when it comes to the cancer arc. My "passion" though, if you will, is definitely the art of the fanmix.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: With respect to fic, smut. Casefiles. Mytharc. Slash. Nothing against any of those things, of course! I'm just made of epic fail when it comes to them.

2008 wishlist, 2008, * adinfinitum

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