Nov 29, 2008 12:22
E-mail address: amalnahurriyeh at gmail dot com
Things I'd like: I'm terrible to shop for; I always say "whatever you think is good!" Basically I'll take anything. For fic, I mostly read MSR and gen. I like a sense of humor, not too much sappiness, and as much overintellectualism as possible from Our Heroes. Smutty stuff is great, though not required. I also have a fanboy's love of aliens and colonization and big things that explode, and I like CSM quite a bit. I could use a few more Mulder icons, since I find I want to look like him more than Scully lately. I'm not so interested in things like an LJ layout (I'm a little too boring that way), but in general I LIKE PRESENTS and will take anything.
What I can do: Fic, basically. I tend to write MSR, but would be happy to write Mulder/Krycek or Scullyslash of your preferred variety, or gen. NC-17 is fine; kink is fine. Non-sexy stuff is fine as well. I write with a lot of snark and an undying optimism about the redeeming qualities of human interactions--that is, I'm a big softie. A story from me will (try to) be funny and will have a happy ending of one kind or another. Alternately, I could meta the shit out of...whatever, really.
What I absolutely CAN'T do: Anything visual--no icons, vids (maybe someday!), lj layouts, etc. Sorry. :(
2008 wishlist,
* amalnahurriyeh,