Jun 16, 2008 20:36
Hi everyone!
I need fanfic advice! It's been a long time since i read x files fic and the computer where I had all the fics died some months ago.
Anyway, I'd like you to rec me the x files fic classics (MSR), those fics, those authors, that i must read and that every fan of this show has surely read.
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There are several series of XF casefiles and profiler stories in which M&S are or become a couple. The Blood Ties series by Dawn is an AU series in which Mulder learns he has a brother at his mother's death. In Blood Ties III - A Trip to the Forest, Mulder gets drugged by an XF beast and reveals his secret that he loves her to Scully. In the Life Cycles series by Proto & Moseley M&S get married and have a kid - it's at ftp gossamer. In the Virtual Seasons series at http://www.virtualseasonx.com/, M&S become a couple, but I don't remember at which point - I know by the end of VS9 they were. The Barbecue Series by Proto, which is MT and MSR and is at http://krycek.gossamer.org/html/title-b-2.html.
The Generation Series [G folder]at ftp gossamer is an early in series MSR in which M&S get married. The Revelations series by Windsinger [S Esty] is also early XF. The first story of the series, Dawn, is a partnership story - Mulder is afraid for Scully to see him in profiler mode. In later stories they are heading toward MSR when Mulder gets amnesia. This series is at http://krycek.gossamer.org/html/title-r-6.html. It's also at the ftp gossamer site, but you have to look in the folder for each story's title after the 3rd one. Some of the stories -Abductee, Mile High, Memories, Just the Two of Us and Skunked Again.
Since you lost your collection of XF fanfic, I thought you might like a little variety.
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