Title: In Deep
Spoilers: War of the Coprophages, Amor Fati
In respons to xf drabble #6 Challenge. Season 2 Titles. The title used is "Sleepless."
Sleepless and awake in the dark, I am always drawn back to places where I have lived, the houses and their neighborhoods. Not houses, not neighborhoods, but one house in one neighborhood on one night.
I must find her.
There will be time.
I want to love her.
There will be time.
Someone must pay.
There will be time to murder and create.
I awake from uneasy dreams, transformed, pinned and wriggling on the wall. Formulated. Sprawling on a table.
Will they crush me?
Six hairy legs scuttling across the floors of silent kitchens. Sleepless and awake in the dark.