Story 260: "Kinesthesia" by Amy

Sep 05, 2015 20:58

A few years back, I remember telling a friend that I'd been disappointed in most of the Mulder-and-Scully-go-undercover fics. She suggested I give "Kinesthesia" a try. She was right. This is a fun read. Thanks to discordantwords for the nomination.

Rating - NC-17 for all the stuff that makes mothers worry. Kids please read something else!
Classification/Keywords - MSR, Casefile, M/S Undercover
Disclaimers - Mulder and Scully don't belong to me. I just wanted to take away the business suits and feed them junk food. The rest of the characters in the story are mine.
Spoilers/Timeline: Early season six. Spoils FTF just a little.
Summary: As members of a domestic terrorism task force, Mulder and Scully investigate a series of bombings linked to a traveling carnival show.

You can read it in split into 12 chapters on her old site, waybacked.
Kinesthesia by Amy

If you prefer plain text, it's also at Gossamer in two parts. Just scroll to the fic: Amy's Author Page.

Because this is long-ish, feel free to comment on the fic at any point along the way. No need to wait for the end. This is a fast-paced story, if that makes it less daunting.

The nomination post welcomes your suggestions for next time.

season 6, casefile, msr

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