Story 225: "College Street" by Vaznetti

May 18, 2013 12:40

College Street, 924 words, Alex Krycek.

Author's summary: Krycek forgets himself, but only for a moment.

This short fic feels longer than it actually is, focusing tightly on a familiar character, paced in 'real time', so to speak, and full of small, vivid details that complement the idea of Krycek both as a sharp-eyed observer and as an outsider.

An excerpt:

He turned the corner and the city changed: dingy downtown office buildings and a half-empty mall behind him, and before him an expanse of trees and grass and a church of red brick and white paint like something off a fucking postcard. Beyond that, some kind of stone tower looming over the park, against the bright blue fall sky. Keep out, Krycek thought, that's not for you. He walked toward it anyway, noticing the stores getting fancier the closer he got to the college.

I love the sensory details in the story. They're never overplayed, and they're there for a reason: he's forgetting himself, losing himself in the little things around him. There's a subtle undercurrent running through the scene that reinforces how hyper-alert he is (and perhaps how much he craves forgetting), making the reader aware of his alienation from the environment around him and drawing the reader into his stream of consciousness very effectively. Although the fic doesn't try to thrust a character study down the reader's throat, it's a beautifully-done character sketch that leaves a lot to the reader's discretion and perceptiveness. A truly rewarding read.

Read 'College Street'. If you like the fic, don't forget to leave kudos/feedback! :-) If there's a fic you'd like to see recced, the nominations post is always open.


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