For Thanksgiving three years ago
wendelah1 posted JET's widely loved holiday fic, "Small Lives Awake." It happens to be the first fic I ever commented on, here at the book club, which makes me feel rather delighted to have the privilege of posting my own choice of Thanksgiving fics this year, this one also by JET.
"Relic of Tough Weather" was written and is set in November, 1999, shortly after the events of TSE:AF. Though it doesn't have the length or popularity of "Small Lives Awake," it is a distinctive blend of JET's signature style: evocative prose and compassionate characterizations.
Relic of Tough Weather JET's still
around, to some extent; I'm sure she would appreciate the feedback. And, as ever, our
nomination post is open for recommendations.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating the occasion.