Story 115: "In Dreams" Trilogy by JiM

May 22, 2010 17:14

There is still plenty of time to go read and comment on MaybeAmanda's "Blue Patches," since it is both short and awesome.

I've been hoping for a couple of years now that the members would rec some great slash stories to discuss here, so when bachlava suggested the "In Dreams" trilogy, I was intrigued.

If you want a summary of my own reasons for loving it... I hated S8 despite Doggett, and in this series, for me, he really gets to shine in a grounded, non-AU context that nonetheless doesn't require the reader to be closely familiar with S8 at all. I love the subtle way the points of contact and contrast between Skinner's character and experiences and Doggett's are played out. I love the way it makes plausible a tentative but intense relationship wherein one party, previously, really hasn't much considered same-sex intimacy. And the fact the depiction of the intimacy is, IMO, both fairly realistic and feels natural to the plot and characters.

Okay, I thought, I'll play. Then I lurked at her journal a bit, and found she'd recced it there, too.

Yes, I like the fact that the author chose the titular Yeats quote perfectly, but that's not why it's here. It's here because it is, hands down, one of the best fan works I've encountered in any fandom or medium, ever. If I had to pick only one fic for someone to read, ever, this would probably be it.

That's high praise. I mean, everyone's must-read is probably going to be different, but this choice was a surprise, a very interesting surprise. The other thing is, despite the word "trilogy," these are short, short stories, only 25 pages total.

In Dreams
Begins Responsibility
In Common Hours

As usual, give feedback to the author, and then tell us what you think. After you comment on "In Dreams," if this is now your must-read, too, tell us why. If it isn't yours, then what is? Suggestions for next time are welcomed at the nomination post.

season 8, r, doggett/skinner

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