As you know, it is a requirement that all entries in The X-files Big Bang have a beta reader. Beta readers act as sounding boards, editors, and cheerleaders for authors by helping them get a first reaction to their story. A good beta reader is essential to the generation of most quality fiction. While authors are free to work with existing betas
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Email where we can reach you:
How many 20,000+ fics could your realistically help with?: One
(The following will help authors find a beta who is compatible with their personal needs.)
What are your strengths as a beta (e.g. Grammar, Characterization, Story Background, Research, Cheerleading, etc.)? Grammar and language in general (tense, punctuation etc); research; canon accuracy; plot inconsistencies; characterization; finding the exact right word/words for something you're trying to express; and lots of cheerleading.
What is your weakest point as a beta? My canon knowledge of S8 and S9 sucks because I can't bear to watch them. So I'd suit someone writing a fic set in S1-7 the best, or AU of course.
Do you prefer to beta for slash, gen, or het? Anything!
In which fandoms could you expertly beta a crossover? None :( The only fandom I know inside out is XF.
What story ratings are you comfortable with (e.g. G, PG, Pg-13, R, or NC-17)? Again, anything!
Any story kinks you can not work with (e.g. rape, insest, character death, chia pets, torture, etc.)? Heh, like the poster above, I couldn't stomach extreme animal suffering. But I can take anything else!
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