Title: Cabin In The Woods 7/9
pukajenParing: MSR
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 3,662
Spoilers: Everything. This part post This Is Not Happening, though thanks to Scully elephant-length pregnancy, I've futz with the timeline here. Pretend that TINH aired in November, when Scully should have been around seven months pregnant.
Disclaimer: X-Files, in any its incarnations, doesn't belong to me.
Author's Note I: Holy crap,
soundingsea is made of awesome. I've deluged her with a ridiculous amount of words the last two months to get this fic done. And, never fear, it is done, two chapters are still in beta, but it's finished in time.
Author's Note II: This is for
xf_bigbang challenge - all fics needed to be over 15,000 words. This one makes the minimum and then some.
Summary: How Mulder and Scully ended up living in the cabin and how the cabin was their haven to figure out their relationship.
Chapter 1 Here Chapter 2 Here Chapter 3 Here Chapter 4 Here Chapter 5 Here Chapter 6 Here
Cover Art
Thanks to
omg_wtf_yeah Chapter 7