Nov 26, 2007 19:11
Hmm.. Okay. I already know this will be a rather pointless post.
Dancing With The Stars finale tonight!! jfkladklfaj I don't even know who I want to win, I love them all so much. Does anyone even watch? I don't know if I've ever talked about it... Oh! Marie just got three 8's. Hm..
Sad that there's no Pushing Daisies or Private Practice this week... I watched last week's episodes last night. I really do love these shows. I don't think I talk about them as much as the rest. Violet and Cooper are my favorite. Really glad that Cooper didn't go through with the friends with benefits thing. I hope they don't rush these two... I like the angst ^_^
CSI this last time... Was okay. I'm still getting over Sara leaving DD: But I did get to watch it on the big screen at my uncle's... They have a home theater thing downstairs, so I snuck off and watched it by myself :D
I'm regretting the post I did last week..... I don't really know what I was thinking. Just kind of freaking out, I guess. Me and Summer are fine. I talked with her for a while on Thanksgiving day, so that helped.
Did everyone see GIllian's new hair?? Omg, this makes me so much more excited than it probably should.. but still!!! Scully!!! Filming starts so soon!!!
I watched all things with the Gillian commentary on my way back from Denver... Oh I love her. I love how she thought everything through so much. Everything was done on purpose. That episode was really importang to her.
I BOUGHT A PROM DRESS. ALREADY. AND I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH. It's white, and it's so pretty you guys. It's really early to g et one, I know, but I couldn't pass it up. (40% off lol) I want red shoes to go with it!!