Date: June 14th
Time: 6:00 doors open
Location: The Downtown
Bands: Don't Look Down, Punchline, Anberlin, & FALL OUT BOY
It was on like donkey kong biatch. Sweet ass tonight. Me, Ivan, Lucia, Krisann, and Rachael !!!!!!!!! We got there at 5 and saw people. I saw Corny and I met her sis. She's so amazinggg Breana !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, by the way i updated my community webshots w\ the pics of tonight.
Punchline went on first and completely kicked ass. They left me breathless they were so good. I met the lead singers afterwards, and they are really cool guys. Don't Look Down was sick, and they played my favoritest song Bender!!!!! I don't like Anberlin too much but they did awesome.
FALL OUT BOY kicked ass! They were so amazingly amazing. There are no words. They started off w\ Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner, then Tell That Mick..., onto Dead On Arrival, Grenande Jumper, Chicago. They played some new shit, which was also kick assssss. They finished the night w\ Grand Theft Autumn, but we got them for an encore. I moshed and shit and got a black n blue on my shoulder, its kinda gross lol. I got crowd lifted twice during the last song, it was so fuckin cooooool!!!!!!!!! Everyone cheered for me lol.
Afterwards, we all met the guys from Fall Out Boy and theyre really cool. They all signed my hat, so I can show off now. Me and the lead guitarist fought over who was a sexier Jew. Wasn't quite sure who won that fight though. Tomorrow I'm going to school late...i'm too worn outttt. I don't know what else to say but tonight kicked every other's night's ass by FARRRRRRR!!!!
more @ ...Sam