May 20, 2007 21:17
too day was awesome... but ill tell you later on in the post.
thurs.necaps-easy as all hell.i got the earth science on which is in between chem and bio for my knowlege (i know more about chem and nothing about bio besides dna..sabean is a nimrod...)so it should of been like a normal test for me slightly harder since you know it is a state wide test.but noooooo the insult me with this rag and i have to deal with it.the second part was kinda fun (still super easy) it involed physical sci,bio,chem, and earth sci + reasoning.i missed my last piriod (the one with my girl friend in it) because of it.
friday...not a bad day actualy,considering i cant remember most of it...i worked...?oh well...oh! six flags stole my better half.seriousl
y she had a concert to preform at six i missed her j piriod.elwel randomly gave me bleach 4...i dont have any other i added it to love hina 5..he also owes me a buck....long story
saturday-i worked long and hard.preparing catering dishes.but i got out early and slept over kronis'...and played dynasty 4 and xenosaga 1....
kos-mos still kicks serious ass....i have opened up 2 of the random doors....
sunday(today)-i set up a catering party,started it,garnished some dishes,claened up the party, and made a pizza!!!!!!!!(although it was tear shaped and a little lite on toppings) it was pretty good...(better than cappri pizza already) im am home and i have to pull an all nighter to finish a projet that both finney and kronis forgot about and left on me...