I've spent most of today trying to reach my friend Kylie who lives in New Orleans, and if you're not aware of what's going on there they are expecting catastrophic results due to hurricane Katrina. It's ranked as a Catagory 5 right now, here's what that means:
Category 5 Hurricane - winds 156 mph and up (135+ kt)
Complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings. Some complete building failures with small utility buildings blown over or away. Flooding causes major damage to lower floors of all structures near the shoreline. Massive evacuation of residential areas may be required.
- Examples: Andrew(FL) 1992, Camille 1969 and Labor Day 1935
Well I just got ahold of her, her and her roommate left Friday night with as much stuff as they could grab and stuff in their cars and headed to Houston. The thing that sucks is that this storm is expect to destroy most of New Orleans, with her brand new home included, her place of employment, all her left behind belongings. Man, to think when something's on the up and up, mother nature can roll thru and take it all away, just sitting it out and wondering what the outcome is going to be?
I'm hooked on the news right now, my best friend is safe but I feel for those that are still there or are in the same situation as she and her friend/roommate are going thru.