i was bored... and this is what i came up with... to change that...=/
01. What is one thing you fear? being lonely
02. Have you ever been to Neopets.com? hehe when my step sister was down and made me make one
03. Do you have a MySpace? mmhmm dont use it much thou
04. Do you think MySpaces are pointless? yeah, i only have one so people stop complaining
05. Have you ever been arrested? no.
Do you know what the color chartreuse looks like? nope
07. Do you have a pet cat? yeppers SMELLY MELLY
08. Which is worse: George Bush or Bill Clinton? Bush... if ne
president could come back i wish it was clition.... he sucked as a
person but he did alot for our country
09. Have you seen all of the Star Wars movies? heh no
10. Have you ever won any contests? nope
11. What's your favorite NFL team? ummm i dont know
12. Have you ever done any drugs? no
13. Ever been to Mexico? si
14. Do you think Shakespeare is interesting? he has his way of pulling you into his writting
15. Where was your mom born? just outside of London
16. What's your second best friend's middle name? uh? rae
17. Have you ever met anyone who actually likes pop up ads? no
18. What's your favorite pizza place? i never really eat pizza and when i do its at someones house or from my freezer
19. Has your favorite NHL team ever won the Stanley Cup? er, idk
20. Would you ever go on Fear Factor? heh if i didnt have to eat ne thing
21. What's your favorite pie flavor? umm
22. What kind of printer do you have? dont have one on my computer
Have you ever held a Fender Telecaster in your hands? whats
24. Do you have a pet hermit crab? nope
25. What's the fourth digit in your phone number? 6
26. Which do you prefer: freezing cold or hot and humid?cold, cause i could always get warmer
27. Do you currently have a crush on someone you can't have? nope
What perfume/cologne do you wear? angel
29. Have you ever watched Dora the Explorer in spanish? yes, dammit
30. Have you ever read Lord of the Flies? umm do spark notes count
31. Did you actually like it? uh
What was your favorite cartoon when you were 10?hah like i remember
33. How many different email addresses have you had? 1
34. What's your lucky number? 26
Has the best hair? ummm i love amandas
Is the most boy-crazy? uh
Has the closest taste in music to yours? erin... its like we're twins
Has the most different taste in music from you? karen
Has the most siblings? uh i dunno
Has the most pets? heh me
Is the most outgoing? their all pretty out going
Is the shyest?
Has the most twisted sense of humor? ashley
Snores really loud? FLIPPY
Loves scary movies? uh no one
Talks on the phone the most? chelsea used too
Most likely to talk to strangers? erin? or vicky
Most likely to get a tattoo? vicky
Most likely to become a doctor? nicole... i know sad
Lives farthest away? flippy 3/4 of the year
Has the neatest room? errr i dunno
Is the most creative? chelsea
**~LeT'S StArT wItH tHe BaSiCs~**
1. What's your FULL Name? Samantha Jayne Harrison
2. Where do you live? Connecticut.
3. How many candles were on your last cake? hah 1
4. What day do you blow out the candles? november 2nd
16. Do you have a "group" you hang with? yep....
17. If yes, what group are you in? the group i hang with
**~ClOtHiNg QuEsTiOnS~**
31. Favorite Brand of clothing? umm clothes
32. Is there a mall near you? about 20 minutes
33. If yes, Name of the mall? Danbury Fair mall
34. Ever been to Mall of America? yep
35. Are you a shoe freak? hehe yea
36. Do you buy clothes to fit in with the crowd? nah
39. What color do you wear most often? ummm
40. Do you always match? yep
**~FrIeNd QuEsTiOnS~**
41. Who is your best friend? ERIN DAILY
How long have you known them? well i knew of her in 7th grade... but i really started hanging out with her 2 years ago
43. Name one reason you like them as a friend? she ROCKS
44. Where did you meet your best friend? school
45. Do you have a boyfriend or Girlfriend? mhmm
46. If yes, what is their name? Philippe/ Flippy
47. If no, who is your crush?
48. What do you love about your b/f, g.f or crush? the fact he loves me for me
49. How long have you been with your b/f or g/f? year and a half
50. Where did you meet? nellies
**~WhIcH dO U pErFeR???~**
82. Eminem/Dr.Dre: ...
83. Tommy Hilfiger/Abercrombie and Fitch: ...
84. Boxers/Briefs: Boxers
85. Heaven/Hell: well heaven
86. Cell Phone/Pager: Cell phone.
87. Email/Mail: getting mail is so much cooler u feel loved
88. Shoes/Sandles: sandles
**~WhAt cOmEs tO mInD WhEn u sEe:~**
128. Love? swing life away
129. Hate?
130. Cheerleader? OHHH MICKEY YOU SO FINE.
131. Fun? haha the spongebob song
132. Candles? we didn't start the fire
133. Hot? in teh heat of the night, we are having our fiesta, we'll be dancing til siesta when the sun come to light
134. Cherries? Sheeeee's my cherry pie!
135. Handcuffs? the superspy i see
136. Sarcasm? all the pretty girls say i'm fly for a white guy
138. Whore? i aint no holla back girl
139. Hard? take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
140. Tight? i’ll do my best to make a drawing
of God and Lucifer, a boy and girl
an angel kissin’ on a sinner
a monkey and a man, a marching band
all around the frightened trapeze-swinger
141. Black? "bleed black"
142. Lick? Too much, too late, or just not enough of this
Pain in my heart for your dying wish,
I'll kiss your lips again.
**OfF tHe WaLl QuEsTiOnS~**
147. Do u like your mother? mhmm
148. Was your childhood bad? well my dads wasnt really around... it made it difficult
154. Ever see Mr. Rogers? i didnt watch it till i was older... since in the UK we didnt have him
155. Did you like Nickelodeon b4 it got bad? yea... i loved Hey Dude.... you cant say u dont remember that show
156. Do U wear braces? nope
**ThE EnDiNg 30 QuEsTiOnS~**
172. What is one thing you are addicted to? chocolate.
173. Did you ever trip someone for fun? hah yea
174. What's the greatest memory of your life? going to keene
175. What comes to mind when I say New Years Eve? flippy
176. Name one of your ex's? matt
177. What went wrong? with what? oh... ummm we werent meant to be
178. Are you sad you broke up? im sad at the way i did it.... but not for that fact that we did
179. What time is it? 1:30AM
180. Are you tired? a little bit
181. Do you have a blankey? never did actually
182. Do you have a teddy bear? heh yep.... i luff my teddy bear....
thought his nose is falling off from when i would chew on it when i was
183. Did you name it? i dont think so
184. If yes, what it's name?
185. What are you listening to right now? mustard plug
191. What is your favorite game? ummm
192. Do you believe in ghosts? somewhat