Aug 12, 2005 18:44
ohh man.
it's been a while. this summer has really just been a blur of cash
registers and movie nights and loooots of books. it's funny, i think
i've made more close friends from BLS this summer than i had in my
junior/senior years combined. but it's all good-- for the most part,
all my friends are staying in new england.... a lot in NY, and a lot in
MA, but some scattered (haha yay for random ass FPC in random ass New
i just bought a shitload of clothes for school next year, and i
realized something funny. usually, if a girl is tomboy-ish as a kid,
they stick with it until they get tired of being stubborn and realize,
'wheee! skirts and mascara are fun!'. but in my case, somehow, it's
backwards. i was a prissy little kid (i honestly owned one pair of
jeans as a child-- all skirts, dresses, jumpers, and plaid school
uniforms until 7th grade). and then, with a few exceptions in the 10th
grade, i've started dressing up less and less.. and today i think i hit
rock bottom. i spent more money on men's clothes than women's. oy.
i'm tired as fuck and all i want to do is sleep, but there's so much
going on! school shopping, warped tour, last minute hanging out before
we scatter, etc. i want to see everyone but i dont know how! our
schedules are all so conflicting! and frankly, i'm not up to planning
anything right now. i'm open to invitations, but i think i'm going to
hang up the party-planning apron and call it a day; from now on, i
attend parties, not host them. my house is too small for all u people!
anyway, as i think i was saying, i wanna see everyone before i go. i
leave september 3rd. let's do something. anything. anyone.
apparently i'm not rooming with joan anymore. i don't know how she
feels about it (probably relieved), but i think it's a blessing. for
starters, we're in the same building but not the same room, so that
means that when we do have sleepovers, etc., it'll be more fun (and the
novelty won't wear off so soon). plus, she hates everything i like and
vice versa. my roommate erica seems awesome. she's from connecticut (i
dont know if she's a yankee fan but she's gonna have to deal with all
my sox gear), she snowboards, she's open to any and all kinds of music,
and she said if i go out for a dance team she will too. already
planning to do extracurriculars! my roommate's not a dud! and she's so
cute!! and shorter than me, which of course i love. plus she likes
purple. HAH! i win.. er.. right ok. anyway.
i've been so obsessed with this damn computer this month, it's awful.
MySpace is suuuuch a time-warp. i log on, look around, and 3 hours go
by. same with yes, i said it. fanfiction. i'm into that
again. so what if it's dorky? i consider it to be my fix of HP between
books... and a place to practice my fiction writing... if anyone wants
to read it, ask me for the username and i'll tell u. won't post it here
cuz frankly i don't think all my friends will be very nice about my
writing. lol. still love u though.
ok well it's 10pm and i have to wake up at 5pm and i still havent been
to either myspace or so maybe i should get on that before i look
up and realize i haven't slept yet and it's 4:59. kinda like i did
yesterday. that was bad.
losing my purse last saturday wasn't very fun. it's gonna take me weeks to get all my ID back.
the emo glasses are making their return next week,
i'm sleepy. night.
and i mean it about hanging out. just tell me when and if i'm not working i'll be there. i'm on vacation next week.