
Nov 30, 2003 21:55

Alcohol poisoning... I want it... I want it now... something. Anything.


Abandon. Total abandon. That’s what I felt when Marcy left. Because every time she left my stone cold room I thought I was going to die. I thought I was going to double over in fear and in pain.
Marcy was my absolute everything. From the day we first met, to the day we parted. She was my world. I kinda hoped I was hers too. But I doubt that now. Otherwise she wouldn’t have left me to be so alone.
We first met at the local mall. Her black hair was in two braids, one on either side of her head, and her bangs were cut evenly across her forehead. She was wearing red lipstick and black eyeliner. A beautiful bombshell. I remember her wearing her cherry dress that tied in the back. She looked so forties and that’s why I fell in love with her.
I was sitting at the food court, Prozac Nation in hand, with an Orange Julius melting on the table. I sat completely in the center of the food court, pretending I was reading, but really I was people watching. I ran my fingers through my shoulder length blonde hair and readjusted my thick black frames.
I was relatively new to the town, and I wanted to see who was who, and where they shopped, and to try and figure out where they were from, and what kind of lives they lead. This was something I did in every new town I settled into; I got a glimpse of what people’s lives were like before I had a chance to really judge them.
I sat there staring at her as she walked by the Chick-fil-a and the Burger King. She looked around and finally decided to order something from some little Thai place. She gave a little smirk to the cashier and took her food to a table three tables away from mine.
Though by now in the watcher’s handbook it says you’re supposed to look away, I couldn’t. This goddess had captured my eye. And she saw that I wasn’t looking away. She smiled and gave me a little wave. I blushed and my eyes went straight for my book. But my mind was still focused on her. Her whole beauty was in my head.
I could feel the blush engulf my face as I tried to look cool. And that’s when I heard someone sit down at my table. I saw a grey cafeteria tray, and then I smelled the Thai noodles. I looked up and saw her smile at me again.
“Hey, I’m Marcy.” She said. Her red lipstick was like a stop sign that told me to smile back.
“Uh, hi. I’m Jane.” I said and could feel the blush coming on again.
She sat down at my table and looked at the cover of my book.
“Prozac Nation huh? Good stuff.” She said, and shoveled a fork full of noodles into her mouth. I nodded and looked at her. I mean, what else was I supposed to do in this goddess’ presence?
“Are you new?” She asked, taking a swallow of water from her water bottle. Her green eyes shimmered at me.
“Yeah. I just moved here.” I answered meekly.
“Well welcome I suppose.” Marcy said with another smile. “Where did you move from?”
“Here, there, everywhere.” I answered cryptically.
“Anything more specific?”
“Most recently from New York. Great music scene.”
“You like Bikini Kill?”
I nodded emphatically. Bikini Kill was one of my favorite bands.
“And you like Orange Julius’ right?”
I nodded again.
“And so you also like Prozac Nation… well obviously since you’re reading the book.” She said and giggled.
And with that giggle, my fate was sealed. I knew that this girl was perfect. She was beautiful, and nice, and smart. And in the few short days I had lived in that town, I had already made a friend.

You like?
I wonder what else I could write to intrest everyone. Maybe a full out sex scene. Right here. How many of you would like that?
Because we all know I have nothing else to write about. I have written about everything I can imagine and most of you have never even seen a word of it.

I want to be a writer more than anything else. People have told me I have talent... I just don't believe them. I work my ass off on my writing, never finishing most of it, to get mediocre praise. We all know who's praise I want the most.

Why don't you all guess who.

BTW- new sns

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