May 19, 2004 15:32
well the past few days have been amusing, to say the least. it all started monday. i didn't go to school friday so i knew i would have some work to make up and all that good stuff so i go to chem and i have a test to make up and she says tuesday after school so i say ok. i stay after monday to work on english with becky and had trouble finding a ride home until ryan was kind enough to come get me. so tuesday comes and i stay after again and the hutch tells me she has a meeting so i can't take the test. so i go to the library which is closed until 245 because of the meeting. i end up sitting in the hallway until beth calls at like 230 something and says she's outside school and her car won't start. the kid that was parked behind her had to help push her car up so he could leave. nice kid lol. but so she's in the no parking zone and doesn't want to leave it there because she could get a ticket. so she says hey wanna come help me push my car to where i won't get a ticket. uhh ok.. and she says bring someone to help if i can. so theres these kids sitting in the hallway with me i have no clue who they are but they were working on a project together. so i'm like um excuse me will someone come help push my sisters car. they are like uhh ok. so we go and do that and ryan comes to get beth and takes her home. then i go to the library do my thing and amy comes to get me at 310ish and drops me off at the hairdressers to get my hairs cut. then she goes to get beth and picks me up when i'm done. i get in the car and beth had been like hysterically crying and i was like beth its not that big of a deal and she FLIPS out and is like don't tell me it's not a big deal blah blah i have an upaid parking ticket, i lost my license, and my car won't start blah blah. and i'm like ohhh boy here we go. so we go back to beth's car, which starts the very first time we try it of course. so then she says she wants to get her tires filled so we go to cumberland farms and her tires are not at all flat and she yells at amy and said that she was reading the gauge thing wrong and amy's like okay i think i know my numbers. so then we go to sts auto center to see if theres something really wrong with her car and beth gets more upset there i wasn't even listening to what was going on though. beth was way too much for me to handle yesterday i wanted to kill her. she made me angry this morning too but i can't remember why. so anyway today was horrible it poured rain and i had to walk in it so i was cold and wet and it was not fun lol. anyway i'm hungry and still damp so i'm peacing out.