Dec 27, 2008 10:51
it's been a while since i've posted. there is a reason. and the reason is morning sickness. yep, i'm knocked up, bun in the oven, and all of the other euphemisms you can think of. right now i'm just shy of 13 weeks and still dealing with nausea. i'm getting better at coping after 8 weeks of wicked nausea and occasional vomiting. if i don't get a good night's sleep, i will definitely throw up the next day. if i ever have an empty stomach, i will throw up. and the nausea, well, not much i can do about that. :)
we are very excited. bryan has been a total saint, catering to just about every whim. he's looking forward to having a little pair of feet running around, and i am too, in between bouts of nausea.
we are now relaxing in south carolina at his dad's place. we spent a few days in DC with my family, which was nice. spent xmas eve at my sister's, then xmas morning with my dad, and xmas afternoon at my brother's. whew!
i have a new baby picture scan from my last appointment. it's actually starting to look like a baby! i'm starting to feel some weird flutters that feel different from the muscle growth pains. and my pants don't fit anymore.
ok, off to the motherhood maternity outlet!