May 24, 2005 13:43
if they had given out a girl scout badge for being a control freak, that would have been my first one.
i am, dear friends, a control freak. and to add to it, a perfectionist. i know someone that may characterize it as "rigid thinking." i'm finding that this is a bit of a roadblock in reaching the goal of growing my business.
for example, hiring someone to do HTML. i actually look at their code to see how neat it is. regardless of how the page looks, if i don't like how they structure their code, i don't feel "comfortable" working with them. and, god forbid, they only use dreamweaver.
some of you may say "get a grip, woman." and i would respond, "it may be beneficial to let go."
although, i congratulate myself on the last big project where i contracted an ASP programmer. on many occasions i was able to weigh the time it would take for me to adjust things to my standards versus the amount of money i was making on the overall project.
can you tell i'm procrastinating?