Nov 25, 2004 14:04
Today is the day where you should thank the Lord for everything in your life.
YOu should thank everyone in your life that has impacted to you in anyway.
This is what I am thankful for:
-My Faith
-My friends
-My family
-The roof over my head
-all the material thigns I don't need but have
-My job
-The people I work with
- The fact that I don't ahve to worry about having food on my table tonight or any night for that matter
-My grades
-My health
-THe fact that I go to a school where the teachers care enough TO teach
-The fact that I am alive
-The fact that my friends are alive
-The fact that I and my family are safe on this Holiday
-The fact that my house has not been bombed to pieces like some people's
Specific people:
Liz and Jeff: for being amazing, loving and accepting people. For the card they sent me just to let me know they enjoy my presence and me coming to youth group. It made my entire week.
Kasey: For telling me about youth group and inviting me there
Allyssa: for always loving me
Rachael: for being so damn forgiving and for always being so sweet
John: For being one of my best friends, for loving incubus as much as he does, for looking like brandon boyd. FOr the few times now that he still says "i love you too."
Mike: for being the best. for loving me. for letting me love him. for being beautiful. for being the sweetest guy I've ever known.
Brooke: for missing me and wanting to hang out. for being so lovely.
Korey: for being my best friend, i think
Anna: for being the love of my life and being amazing. For sharing bad nights with me. For all the hugs she gives me. For laughing with me until our eyes overflow with tears.
Alex Drake: for inviting me to the co-ed sleepover. for our daily hugs.
Andrea: For staying friends with me since 1st grade, for staying my only friend at mosinee truly.
Sara: for being so cool. for putting her number in my cell phone.
Hanna: for being one of my closest friends and all the fun times we have together
Chloe: for being chloe. for having a "kait phase" for being so excited to see me all the time
Fallon: for our everyday hugs. for sharing a lesbain moment with me. for wanting my boobs.haha
Billy: for being such a pretty boy.
Emma: for always wanting to go to youth group with me. For calling me. for writing me stories
Ashley: for being ashley babcock. for being so fun. for sleeping in psych. for watching me sleep.
Easton: for all his hugs. for being easton.
Matt swisse: for being so adorable and sweet. and himself. for waving at me the other day when he saw me on the highway
Cam: for being my little brother
Andy: for being my big brother
Sam: for being LIKE my big brother. for comign home and promising to see me. for possibly coming to school to try and recruit kids.
Andrew: for staying in my life. the end.
Kevin: for trying again. for being amazing.
Melissa Hoss: for being so cool.
Steph: for being one of my good friends. for loving me. for planning to get drunk with me. (ha!) for being drunk last night. for calling me a slut. for being a wannabe slut.
Lindz: for being so adorable and fun. I miss her.
Rae: for staying my friend. for sharing our secret.
Jade: for pittle.
Katie: for being my twin
Nick: For bieng Nick Brideau and having a french last name. Oh yeah!
Jesse: for going to youth group with me and being super cool.
Niki Hummel: for all her photography and being so beautiful and fun.
Kylie: for being a dinosaur and having a big banana and hanging out with me at shows sometimes. yeah.
Devon: for being my sunshine.
Alex Affholter: for all the memories, even if he just calls me for other people's numbers.
Fee: for all the good times we used to have.
Toppen: for making fun of people with me last night.
Jason: for attacking me in the car last night
Jordan: for being so stupid.for wanting me to stay at alex's last night.
Josh: for all the things we used to be and should have been.
Schuyler: for loving me. at one time.
Jon: for teaching me so much when we were together.
My parents: for birthing me and giving me so many things I don't need.
My family (extended): for loving me and wanting me to be there with them so much.
Ellie: for being the cutest little girl everrrr. for calling me taity cuz she can't say her "kuh"sounds.
Sadie: for allthe fun we have when we work together
Kessa: for being Judd's big sister, for cleaning like 8 million pairs of shoes with me because we were bored. for
making fun of me trying on shoes. for knowing how much a chicken sandwich costs at the cafe. for calling the cafe and asking "could you make me a chicken sandwich?" haha.
Aimee: for all the funny talks we have when we work together
Marcia: for being such a happy person.
Kellie: for talking in her baby voice. for being pregnant and so much fun. for freaking out.
Lee: For being such a dork and calling me from work and being hysterical when we work together
Evan: for being so tall
Tyler: for all the memories we've had together and all the games we play. for finally being my friend and not
fighting with me all the time.
Matt Knoeck: for being himself and having that be a beautiful amazing wonderful friend.
Sean: for being so sexy
Judd: for being my dreammmmmmmmmmm haha.
Dave: for calling himself fat and then eating more cookies.
Koosh: for being halarious and beauitful. and all the fun times we had her senior year
Laura D.: for allthe talks we've had
Meg Tau: for all the fun times we used to have and the talks we had and all that she helped me with
Cassie K: for being cool to me although she's not always cool to others
Kelsey B: for being cool like that.
Derek: for randomly calling me about nothing. and being so sweet and visiting me at work
chelsea: for who she used to be, when we were friends and actually talked.
Britt: for being so much fun this summer
Megan: for being one of my best friends and sticking through so much with me.
Cassie Resch: for when we used to be clsoe and talk about everything
Alesha: for coming to youth group last night after she'd been drinking. ha!
Ben: for talking to me in the hallway and talking to me on here all the time. hah
Lindy: for being picked on in chem all the time
Andy Schulz: for being my new friend.
FLYNN!: for being so mean about people but being so funny and having so much fun. haha. for all the laughs we've had.
Seth: for dressing so pretty and laughing and falling asleep in chem all the time
Sarah Pelot: for never reading and always trying to cheat off me and saying the stupidest thigns
Kaylee: For being my friend and being as short as I am with as big of boobs haha!
Tim: for dumping stephanie carlson! yay!!!
Brad Brown: for being my best friend in algebra and playing along as we pretend we hate each other
Katrina: for walking with me after 8th period and all the funny conversations we have.
Aimee Colin: for being my new best friend in algebra and her daily hugs and being so happy to see me.
Amanda Flatter: for the fun we had at the concert and for me sort of getting to know her frmo that night.
Austin: for being my friend all these years and not being like everyone says
Vert: for al lthe fun we used to have at lunch together and being my friend and being so cute haha. Mike's the
Jim: for calling me a heathen and then not going to church anyway. for all the laughs we had in marketing
Andy Gewiss: for being my friend since pre-school which makes him feel like a brother to me. for being so much fun.
Josie: for all the times we used to have together in the jeep and my car talking about things and laughing. PHLEGM! FLAT FEET!!!! oh, my. THe memories
Ashley Zell: for our talk at the concert after we hadn't talked in quite a while. For all the times we shared back in middle school when we were close.
Pat: for being Pat and knowing me sinc eI was birthed.
Tess: for us being friends since pre-school and allthe fun we had when we had almost every class together.
- all the people that don't use me for rides.
- all the people i used to know and fell out of touch with.
if I forgot you, I'm sorry. That doesn't necessarily Im' not thankful for you.
I love everyone in my life. Thank you for everything. You've made me who I am today. ♥