because I am bored, and it's 3am...

Aug 10, 2007 03:10

Back To School Survey

1. What school will you be attending?
Chatt. State, for my gens.

2. What grade will you be going to?:
Freshman. (college, bitches)

3. Are you looking forward to this new school year?:
Hell yeah! Pre-vet, bitches!

4. If so, Why?
Pre-vet = awesome.

5. What are you NOT looking forward to this year?:
Being a big girl.

6. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend do you think you will have the same one this whole school year?
I am pretty sure I will keep this one for life, so yeah.

7. If you don't, do you think you will be getting a boyfriend/girlfriend?:
Bitch, I'll have all the chickas.

8. Will you be having the same friends you did as the school year before?
Most of my close friends have been around forever, so I am going to say yes.

9. Where do you hang out at your school?:
umm, class?

10. Name 3 goals you would like to achieve this school year?:
Atleast a 3.8 gpa.
Get an agent.
Pimp out my car!

11. What are your chances of achieving those goals?
It's so going to happen.

12. So, what's your school mascot?:
Umm... *shrugs*

14. Who are your school's rivals?:

15. Do you know any teachers at your school well?
Not here.

16. Does your school have any big football games?:
Not that I know of.

17. Will you be going to any school dances this year?:
roflcopter. School dances in college.

18. Do you think you'll have a crush this year?
I have a huge crush...and he's mine. ^_^

19. Do you think anyone will have a crush on YOU?
Bah. I hate my life.

20. If you had the chance to tell ALL the incoming freshmen something,what would it be?
umm. don't be an idiot, partying and slacking off might be fun for a year or so, but it's not worth fucking up your whole future!!!


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